Active Listening - This involves listening carefully to determine clearly the message delivered by the other person.
Empathic Listening - This is an attempt to understand the other person. It is done by perceiving things from the other person's perspective.
Critical Listening - This is listening to challenge the merits of a spoken message. Here, we evaluate the accuracy, meaning, and purpose of the message.
Listening for Enjoyment - This is listening for fun and relaxation.
CoordinatingConjunctions - This joins similar kinds of words or word groups.
For - This indicates a cause.
And - This connects similar elements or shows the sequence of events.
But - This shows contrast or exception.
Or - This indicates alternatives, only one of which can be true or realized.
So - This indicates the effect of a particular action or cause.
Because - This indicates a cause or reason.
If - This indicates a condition.
Though - This indicates contrasting ideas.
When - This indicates time.
Where - This indicates place or location.
Coordinating Conjunctions:
Subordinating Conjunctions:
Intonations - Refers to the changes in the pitch of a speaker's voice.
Maxims of Conversation
Maxims of Quantity
Maxims of Quality
Maxims of Relation
Maxims of Manner
Maxims of Quantity - Only gives the amount of information required.
Maxims of Quality - Do not say what is false.
Maxims of Relation - Be relevant.
Maxims of Manner - Be clear and orderly.
Empathicverbs - Gives emphasis to a significant action.
TopicOutline - Contains only titles, key words, and phrases which give a brief overview of the contents of a text.
Plural - Do + Base form of the verb
Singular - Does + Base form of the verb
Skimming is one particular reading strategy that is essential for students. It is a selective reading method that focuses on the general idea of a text.
Scanning is a reading strategy that you need to be aware of. This reading method highlights particular details of a specific piece of information.