
Cards (5)

  • effective of tackling OCD symptoms as there is research to suggest SSRI are
    Effective at reducing the severity of OCD symptoms
  • It is a cost-effective and non-disruptive way as it is cheap in comparison to other psychological treatments such as CBT and Is non disruptive because all they have to do is take a pill
  • A weakness is that it can have side effects as the minority of people can suffer from minor side effects such as weight gain, dry mouth and loss of memory. Also coming off the drug is a long process as coming off is slowly reducing dosage which increases chances of relapsing
  • Unreliable evidence for drug treatments because the drug companies sponser the research then they may decide to suppress any results that do not support the drug they are marketing. This suggests that data of effectiveness on drugs may not be trustworthy
  • A weakness is that some cases of OCD are caused by trauma. This means that by suing a drug treatment it may not be effective as they have no chemical imbalance, they just have experienced a traumatic event. This means that drug therapies might not be the best for everyone.