Features of Science

    Cards (11)

    • 6 features of science
      empirical methods, objectivity, replicability, theory construction, hypothesis testing,falsifiability
    • empirical method
      objectivity = basis of the empirical method → a method of gaining knowledge relying on direct observation or testing
    • objectivity
      when all sources of personal bias are minimised so as not to distort or influence the research process
    • replicability
      the extent to which scientific procedures and findings can be repeated by other researchers - increases the reliability and validity of a study
    • theory construction
      explanations or theories must be constructed to make sense of facts. a theory is a collection of general principles that explain observations and facts
    • hypothesis testing
      process of modifying theories by testing their validity. if a scientist fails to find support for a hypothesis, the theory requires modification
    • falsifiability
      the possibility that a statement or hypothesis can be proved wrong
    • why falsifiability is important in science

      karl popper → the only way to prove a theory correct was to seek disproof (falsification)
    • paradigm
      a set of shared assumptions and agreed methods within a scientific discipline
    • paradigm shift
      the result of a scientific revolution- a significant change in the dominant unifying theory within a scientific discipline
    • example of a paradigm shift in science

      a revolution in our understanding of the universe due to work of a Polish astronomer- overthrew the belief that the earth was the centre of the universe