Descriptive Statistics

    Cards (18)

    • descriptive statistics
      the use of graphs, tables and summary statistics to identify general trends and patterns in a data set
    • measures of central tendency
      a descriptive statistic that provides information about an 'average' value for a data set, (median and mode)
    • mean
      the arithmetic average of a data set that takes the exact values of data into account
    • median
      the middle value of a data set when the items are placed in rank order (from lowest to highest)
    • mode
      the most frequently occurring value or item in a data set
    • measures of dispersion
      a descriptive statistic that provides information about how spread out a set of data are (range and standard deviation)
    • range
      the difference between the highest and lowest item in a data set, usually 1 is added as a mathematical correction
    • standard deviation
      assesses the spread of data around the mean by telling us how much scores deviate from the mean
    • mean strength

      most sensitive measure of central tendency- takes account of exact distance between all the values of all the data
    • mean weakness

      easily distorted by extreme values= misrepresentative of the data as a whole
    • median strengths

      -not affected by extreme scores
      -easy to calculate
    • median weakness

      less sensitive than the mean- not all items included in the final calculation
    • mode strength

      more useful for nominal (or categorical) data
    • mode weakness

      not always representative of the whole data
    • range strength

      easy to calculate
    • range weakness

      only takes into account the two most extreme values- fails to take into account the whole distribution of the numbers
    • standard deviation strength

      a precise measure of dispersion- takes all the exact values into account
    • standard deviation weakness

      can be distorted by extreme values