we need microscopes because cells are too small to see with the naked eye
x 4 objective lens = 40 magnification
image size = actualsize x magnification
resolution is the ability to distinguish between 2 separate points
1 millimetre is 0.001 metre
1 metre is 1000 milimetres
1 millimetre is 1000 micrometers
1 micrometer is 0.001 millimetres
1 nanometre is 0.001 micrometres
1 micrometre is 1000 nanometres
1000 millimetres is 1 metre
if a microscope has a higher resolving power, the image would look clearer and would show more detail it would be crisper and less blurred
light microscopes use light and lenses to form an image of a specimen and magnify it, they let us see individual cells and large subcellularstructures, like nuclei
electron microscopes use electrons instead of light to form an image. they have a much higher magnification than light microscopes, they also have a higher resolution
the microscopy techniques we can use have developed over the years, as technology and knowledge have improved
electron microscopes let us see much smaller things in more detail, like the internal structure of mitochondria and chloroplasts, they even let us see smaller things like ribosomes and plasmids
Magnification is the ability to make small objects seem larger, such as making a microscopic organism visible. Resolution is the ability to distinguish twoobjects from each other
light microscopes however, are much cheaper
electron microscopes cannot be used to view livingthings
the microscopytechniques we can use have developed over the years as the technology and knowledge have improved
light microscopes use light and lenses to form an image of a specimen and magnify it
light microscopes let us see individual cells and large subcellular organisms such as nuclei
electron microscopes let us see smaller things in a much finer detail, like the internal structure of mitochondria and chloroplasts
electron microscopes even let us see smaller things like ribosomes and plasmids
electron microscopes have allowed us to study cells in a much finer detail and has enabled biologists to see and understand more sub-cellular structures