Social Learning Theory

Cards (13)

  • observing is watching the behaviour of others
  • Imitation is when we learn by observing and copying others
  • Identification is the extent of which a person relates to a model and feels they are like them
  • Modelling is when a person imitates the actions of the model
  • Vicarious reinforcement is observing someone else being reinforced for a behaviour and the consequences of their actions
  • Meditational processes are:
    1. Attention
    2. Retention
    3. Motor reproduction
    4. Motivation
  • Banduras research= Bobo Doll experiment
  • Bobo Doll research:
    1. recorded learnt aggression
    2. Group one saw aggression-> praise
    3. Group two saw aggression-> scolding
    4. Group three saw aggressio-> nothing (control)
    5. Most aggressive was= 1->3->2
  • Banduras research showed behaviour is learnt through vicarious reinforcement and role models
  • SLT helped us understand the importance of role models in promoting desirable behaviour
  • SLT helped establish guidance effects of media violence on aggression
  • SLT is a nomothetic approach
  • SLT used lab experiments and gathered scientific, empirical data with human participants