
Cards (13)

  • Biological approach believes that anything psychological is first biological
  • Biological approach believes behaviour can be influenced by factors such as : genes, hormones, neurotransmitters, brain and evolution
  • Behaviour geneticists study whether behaviour characteristics such as intelligence, personality and mental disorders are inherited in the same way as physical characteristics
  • Concordance rates are the extent to which both twins share the same characteristics
  • Genotypes are the genetic makeup of a person
  • Phenotypes describes the combined effect of genotypes and the environment on someone’s behaviour
  • Natural selection is based on the idea that any genetically determined behaviour that enhances an idea ideals survival will continue into future generations
  • Bio psychologist believe that different regions of the brain control behaviour
  • Neurochemical imbalance in the brain are often associated with abnormal behaviour
  • The endocrine system is a slow acting communication system that controls the level of hormones in circulation
  • Biological approach has led to development of drug therapy
  • Genetic basis of behaviour has led to identification of certain conditions such as schizophrenia to be identified early
  • Biological approach provides us with theories on innate principals that determine our behaviour (nurture)