
Cards (21)

  • Psychodynamic approach researches the role of the unconscious mind
  • Unconscious is responsible for protecting the conscious self from anxiety or conflict
  • Freud believed that the conscious mind is just the tip of the ice-burg and that most of our mind is made up of the unconscious
  • The pre conscious mind is between the conscious and unconscious mind and contains thoughts and ideas that we may become aware of
  • Id Description:
    1. Pleasure oriented and completely selfish
    2. Present from birth
    3. Resides in the unconscious
  • Id influence on behaviour:
    1. Dominant id may course a person to be destructive and immoral
    2. This may lead to psychopathic behaviour in adults
    3. E.g aggressive, no remorse or empathy
  • Ego description:
    1. Developed from 18months to 3 years
    2. Tries to control the id- rational
    3. Largest part of the conscious
    4. Ruled by the reality principal
  • Ego influence on behaviour:
    1. Strong ego leads to a well adjusted person who is able to manage the strong demands of both id and superego
    2. Weak ego will lead to id or superego dominate leading to abnormal behaviour
  • Superego definition:
    1. develops between 4 to 5 years
    2. Morality principal
    3. Morality developed from persnts and sorounding
    4. Mainly in unconscious
  • Superego influence on behaviour:
    1. Powerful superego will lead to restriction the urges of the id
    2. This will deprive the person of even socially acceptable pleasures
    3. This can lead to OCD or phobias
  • Psychosexual stages:
    1. Oral (0-1 year)
    2. Anal (1-3 year)
    3. Phallic (3-5 years)
    4. Latency (6- puberty)
    5. Genital (puberty onward)
  • Oral- focuses on pleasure around the mouth( e.g mothers breast is an object to be desired)
  • Oral consequenc- oral fixation(e.g. smoking, biting nails, sarcastic, critical)
  • Anal- focuses on pleasure around the anus (e.g. witholding or releasing faeces)
  • Anal consequence- retentive= perfectionist or obsessive, expulsive= thoughtless or messy
  • Phallic- focuses on pleasure around the genital area, child experiences Oedipus or Electra Complex
  • Phallic consequence- narcissistic, reckless, possibly homosexual
  • Latency- repressed sexual urges which are sublimated into activities such as learning or friendship
  • Genital- sexual desires become conscious alongside puberty
  • Genital consequence- difficulty forming heterosexual relationships
  • Different defence mechanisms:
    1. Repression
    2. Denial
    3. Displacement