Extraneous and confounding Variables

Cards (13)

  • The researcher must make sure that there are no differences between the two groups apart from the independent variable (IV)
  • What is an extraneous variable?

    A variable that does not vary systematically with the independent variable but may affect the dependent variable
  • Why are extraneous variables problematic in research?

    They make it difficult to detect cause and effect
  • What is a confounding variable?

    A variable that varies systematically with the independent variable
  • How can confounding variables affect research outcomes?

    They can make the outcome meaningless by affecting the dependent variable
  • What are demand characteristics in research studies?
    • Participants guessing the purpose of the research
    • Trying to please the researcher by giving 'right' results
    • Trying to annoy the researcher by giving 'wrong' results (screw you effect)
    • Acting unnaturally due to nervousness or fear of evaluation
    • Acting unnaturally due to social desirability bias
  • What are investigator effects?

    Ways in which researchers unconsciously influence the results of research
  • How can physical characteristics of investigators influence research results?

    They may affect participants' willingness to respond honestly
  • What is a single blind design in research?

    A design where the participant is unaware of the research aims or conditions
  • What is a double blind design in research?

    A design where both the participant and the researcher are unaware of the aims
  • What is experimental realism?

    Making the task engaging so participants focus on it rather than being observed
  • What are the ways to deal with extraneous variables in research?

    • Single blind design
    • Double blind design
    • Experimental realism
    • Standardisation
  • What is the importance of standardised instructions in research?

    • They must be written in a verbatim format
    • They should include a check for participant understanding