What is love equated to in being important in a child's healthy development?
What is the critical period and what happens if a child receives no love during that time?
The first 2.5years of a child's life
They will become emotionallydisturbed
A lack of a 'warm, intimate and continuous relationship' causes what?
What are the potential negative long-term consequences of emotional deprivation?
Quote from Bowlby about maternal deprivation:
"Mother-love in infancy is as important for mental health as are vitamins and proteins for physical health"
How does emotional maladjustment present itself in later life?
Inability to form long-lastingbonds with others
e.g. affectionlesspsychopathy
What is Bowlby's definition of affectionless psychopathy?
Seemingly unable to show love or concern for others
Act on impulse
Seemingly don't suffer from any sense of shame, remorse or responsibility from engaging in hurtful/antisocial actions
What is the key study in maternal deprivation theory?
44Juvenile Thieves (1944)
What was the aim of 44 Juvenile Thieves (1944)?
To determine whether there is a link between maternal deprivation in infancy and adolescent delinquency
What was the sample of 44 Juvenile Thieves (1944)?
88 emotionally disturbed children -> all receiving treatment at London Child Guidance Clinic
44thieves/juvenile delinquents
44non-thieves (control group)
What was the method of 44 Juvenile Thieves (1944)?
Quasi experiment
Independent measures
What was the procedure of 44 Juvenile Thieves (1944)?
Psychologist gave each child mentaltests to assess intelligence + noted emotionalattitude of child
Socialworker interviewed child's mother + recorded preliminarydetails about child's early psychiatrichistory
Bowlby received results of both reports -> interviewed child + mother himself
Team reviewed school + other reports, discussing conclusions
Most children met psychiatrist on weekly basis for 6 weeks
Mothers talked about their problems with social worker
What were the findings of 44 Juvenile Thieves (1944)?
2/44 thieves = diagnosed as normal
14/44 thieves (32%) = affectionless (lacked affection + no warmth/feeling towards others -> lied, stole + no loyalty/friendship)
12/14 (86%) experienced deprivation
Control group = 0 affectionless but more depressed children
17/44 thieves (39%) had periods of separation >6 months before age 6 -> only 2 children in control group had this experience
12/17 were affectionless
What were the conclusions of 44 Juvenile Thieves (1944)?
Maternal deprivation in child's early life = permanent emotional damage
Deprivation = affectionless character + potential for criminal behaviour
Maternal deprivation theory A&E point 1: research support for Bowlby's idea that maternal care is fundamental to a child's development
Spitz + Wolf (1946) = institutionalised children became depressed due to maternal deprivation in a few months
Skodak + Skeels (1949) = institutionalised children = poor IQ test scores -> when moved to diff. institution shared by lovingadults with cognitivedeficiencies, IQs rose by almost 30 points
Bifulco et al. (1992) = 25% women who experienced temporary separation from mothers for a year/whose mothers had died developed depression + anxiety disorders
Maternal deprivation theory A&E point 2: theory weakened by study not being replicable
Lewis (1954) -> failed to replicate Bowlby's findings in her study of 500institutionalised people -> no suggestion that affectionlesspsychopathy/criminality/attachment disorders were predicted by long-term maternal deprivation
Did Bowlby make a Type1error (small sample size)?
Rutter: Type 1 error = possible! -> privation = issue, not maternal deprivation?
Maternal deprivation theory A&E point 3: Bowlby's theory + research may not be 100% accurate BUT they resulted in positivereal-lifeapplications
Theory led to more research into impacts of institutionalisation + move away from institutionalising children
If not possible, children are assigned a keyworker in any UK group home = 'mothersubstitute' = focused attention + emotional support
Robertson: work on deprivation of children in hospital -> led to parents no longer being banned from visiting hospitalised children + accommodation provided for parents of children with long-termillnesses