Bowlby's maternal deprivation theory

Cards (17)

  • What is love equated to in being important in a child's healthy development?
    Physical nutrition
  • What is the critical period and what happens if a child receives no love during that time?
    • The first 2.5 years of a child's life
    • They will become emotionally disturbed
  • A lack of a 'warm, intimate and continuous relationship' causes what?
    Emotional deprivation
  • What are the potential negative long-term consequences of emotional deprivation?
    • Impeded intellectual development
    • Emotional maladjustment
    • Mental health issues
  • Quote from Bowlby about maternal deprivation:
    "Mother-love in infancy is as important for mental health as are vitamins and proteins for physical health"
  • How does emotional maladjustment present itself in later life?
    • Attachment disorders
    • Inability to form long-lasting bonds with others
    • e.g. affectionless psychopathy
  • What is Bowlby's definition of affectionless psychopathy?
    • Seemingly unable to show love or concern for others
    • Act on impulse
    • Seemingly don't suffer from any sense of shame, remorse or responsibility from engaging in hurtful/antisocial actions
  • What is the key study in maternal deprivation theory?
    • 44 Juvenile Thieves (1944)
  • What was the aim of 44 Juvenile Thieves (1944)?
    To determine whether there is a link between maternal deprivation in infancy and adolescent delinquency
  • What was the sample of 44 Juvenile Thieves (1944)?

    88 emotionally disturbed children -> all receiving treatment at London Child Guidance Clinic
    • 44 thieves/juvenile delinquents
    • 44 non-thieves (control group)
  • What was the method of 44 Juvenile Thieves (1944)?

    • Quasi experiment
    • Independent measures
  • What was the procedure of 44 Juvenile Thieves (1944)?
    • Psychologist gave each child mental tests to assess intelligence + noted emotional attitude of child
    • Social worker interviewed child's mother + recorded preliminary details about child's early psychiatric history
    • Bowlby received results of both reports -> interviewed child + mother himself
    • Team reviewed school + other reports, discussing conclusions
    • Most children met psychiatrist on weekly basis for 6 weeks
    • Mothers talked about their problems with social worker
  • What were the findings of 44 Juvenile Thieves (1944)?

    • 2/44 thieves = diagnosed as normal
    • 14/44 thieves (32%) = affectionless (lacked affection + no warmth/feeling towards others -> lied, stole + no loyalty/friendship)
    • 12/14 (86%) experienced deprivation
    • Control group = 0 affectionless but more depressed children
    • 17/44 thieves (39%) had periods of separation >6 months before age 6 -> only 2 children in control group had this experience
    • 12/17 were affectionless
  • What were the conclusions of 44 Juvenile Thieves (1944)?

    • Maternal deprivation in child's early life = permanent emotional damage
    • Deprivation = affectionless character + potential for criminal behaviour
  • Maternal deprivation theory A&E point 1: research support for Bowlby's idea that maternal care is fundamental to a child's development
    • Spitz + Wolf (1946) = institutionalised children became depressed due to maternal deprivation in a few months
    • Skodak + Skeels (1949) = institutionalised children = poor IQ test scores -> when moved to diff. institution shared by loving adults with cognitive deficiencies, IQs rose by almost 30 points
    • Bifulco et al. (1992) = 25% women who experienced temporary separation from mothers for a year/whose mothers had died developed depression + anxiety disorders
  • Maternal deprivation theory A&E point 2: theory weakened by study not being replicable
    • Lewis (1954) -> failed to replicate Bowlby's findings in her study of 500 institutionalised people -> no suggestion that affectionless psychopathy/criminality/attachment disorders were predicted by long-term maternal deprivation
    • Did Bowlby make a Type 1 error (small sample size)?
    • Rutter: Type 1 error = possible! -> privation = issue, not maternal deprivation?
  • Maternal deprivation theory A&E point 3: Bowlby's theory + research may not be 100% accurate BUT they resulted in positive real-life applications
    • Theory led to more research into impacts of institutionalisation + move away from institutionalising children
    • If not possible, children are assigned a key worker in any UK group home = 'mother substitute' = focused attention + emotional support
    • Robertson: work on deprivation of children in hospital -> led to parents no longer being banned from visiting hospitalised children + accommodation provided for parents of children with long-term illnesses