Acute inflammation

    Cards (20)

    • What are the main causes of acute inflammation?
      • Infections - eg bacterial, viral, protozoal
      • Allergic/hypersensitivity - eg eczema, drug rash
      • Physical - eg uv light, foreign body
      • Chemical - eg strong acid or alkali
    • What are the typical features of inflammation?

      • heat
      • redness
      • swelling
      • pain
      • loss of function
    • Describe the vascular phase of acute inflammation
      First phase to occur
      • Small vessels dilate - arteriole side dilates
      • vascular endothelium cells contract - creating space in between them
      • Venous side - becomes more permeable and therefore more fluid enters the tissue
    • Describe the exudative phase of acute inflammation
      Second phase of acute inflammation
      • fluid and proteins leak through the capillary walls
      • Cells - neutrophils - leak through the venules through the endothelial cells - by process of chemotaxis, neutrophils adhere themselves to the cell wall and then squeeze through the cell gap
    • What is meant by transudate?

      The process by which fluid passively flows out of vessels when there is a slight imbalance of osmotic pressure and hydrostatic pressure - mostly water and ions
    • What is the third phase of acute inflammation and what cells are involved?

      Cellular phase
      • Macrophages
      • neutrophils
      • Mast cells/basophils
    • What is the role of macrophages in the cellular phase?

      Tissue damage activates resting macrophages to produce;
      • chemokines and interleukin - 1
      • stimulate adhesion molecules on endothelium and white cells (mainly neutrophils and monocytes)
      • Tumour necrosis factor
      • stimulates vascular permeability
      Macrophages - derived from circulating monocytes - has the role of clearing debris and dead cells through the process of phagocytosis
    • What is the role of neutrophil in the cellular phase?

      Migrate into tissues through process of chemotaxis
      • recognise bacteria by;
      • coating of antibody or complement
      • formylmethionine at end of surface protein chains
      • Phagocytose
      • Kill bacteria via lysozyme destroying cell wall and via hydrogen peroxide production - inside granules in the cell
      Neutrophils then go through apoptosis after 8-12 hours so ongoing acute inflammation needs new cells to be attracted in
    • What is the role of basophils/mast cells in the cellular phase?

      Activated by;
      • tissue damage
      • complement derived C3a and C5a
      • Antigens interacting with surface IgE on basophils in allergic reaction
      • Histamine - causes vascular dilation and permeability
      • Leukotrienes - induces chemotaxis in other white blood cells
      • Prostaglandins - cause vascular dilation and pain
    • What does the coagulation (clotting) pathway result in?

      Production of fibrin
    • What is the role of fibrin in healing?

      • Creates a mesh over the area - this is to try to contain the infection and stop it from spreading
    • What are some macroscopic appearances of inflammation?

      • Abscess - pus enclosed by fibrin and connective tissue
      • Pus - inflammatory exudate rich in neutrophils, organisms and dead tissue
      • Empyema - pus enclosed in an existing body cavity eg gall bladder, pleura
    • What are some microscopic appearances of inflammation?
      • Swollen endothelial cells
      • Presence of neutrophils - cells with bi - nucleic
      • fibrin and haemorrhage
      will likely look the same in any tissue cells
    • What are the sub types of acute inflammation?

      The response to acute inflammation will vary depending on the site in the body.
      • Serous - affects areas like the peritoneum
      • Membranous - affects membranes
      • Suppurative/purulent - pus - eg a skin abscess
      • Haemorrhagic - a place that might leak blood - eg the bladder
      • Fibrinous - organs that produce fibrin
      • Catarrhal - lots of mucus production
    • What are the potential outcomes of acute inflammation?

      • Resolution - becomes fully healed, no scarring or tissue loss
      • chronic inflammation - turns chronic - could be because the cause hasn't been removed
      • abscess formation - leads to repair
      • Repair - loss of tissue - regeneration is required, likely to lead to scarring
    • What are the beneficial effects of acute inflammation?
      • Dilution of toxins
      • Effector cells and antibodies get to the required area
      • Fibrin helps to wall off further spread of infection
      • Antigens get carried to local and regional lymph nodes - this prevents systemic spread and allows antibodies to be made
      • lymphangitis - stimulates the lymph nodes to make antibodies - helps to filter the lymph fluid so reducing likelihood of infection spread
    • What are the harmful effects of acute inflammation?

      • Destruction of normal tissues
      • Swelling within a confined space - eg the brain
    • What is meant by sepsis?

      Infection with significant organ failure in two or more organs
      • drop in BP
      • drop in oxygen saturation
      • Becoming drowsy
      • affects blood coagulation
      • affects liver and kidney function
    • What is the cytokine storm?

      • Harmful effect of acute inflammation
      • whole activation system of inflammatory response was much more than what was needed - harmful as it caused a large pouring out of fluid from cells into the lungs - reduced oxygen exchange levels - ventilation difficult as there isn't enough air space for gaseous exchange
    • What are the systemic effects of acute inflammation?

      • Fever - hypothalamus regulates temperature
      • monocyte/macrophage derived TNF and IL-1 cause resetting of temperature control at hypothalamus - make you hotter or colder than you're supposed to be
      • Acute-phase proteins
      • C-reactive protein - assists complement binding to microbes
      • Production of granulocyte colony stimulating factor -
      • increases the production and release of neutrophils from marrow
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