Functions of the eye parts

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  • Functions of the ciliary body
    • controls the lens' curvature or thickness using ciliary muscles.
    • a thickened region at the front of the choroid
  • Functions of the choroid
    Middle layer of the eye (between sclera & retina) • Pigmented black to prevent internal light reflection. • Provides oxygen and nutrients via blood vessels.
  • Functions of suspensory ligament
    • Connects the lens to the ciliary body, helping adjust lens shape.
  • Functions of the cornea
    Transparent, dome-shaped layer. • Refracts most of the light entering the eye.
    Refracts or bend light rays into the eye.
  • Functions of the vitreous chamber
    • Space behind the lens filled with jelly-like vitreous humour. • Maintains eye shape and helps refract light onto the retina.
  • Functions of the lens
    Transparent and elastic, changes shape to focus light on the retina.
    • Has a biconvex structure
  • Functions of the aqueous chamber
    • Space between the lens and cornea filled with aqueous humour. • aqueous humour helps:
    refract light into the pupil and maintains eye pressure.
  • Functions of the fovea
    • Small yellow spot in the retina for sharpest vision. • Located directly behind the lens.
    • contains only cones
  • Functions of the optic nerve
    • Transmits nerve impulses from the retina to the brain. • No rods or cones at the point where it leaves the eye (blind spot).
  • Functions of the retina
    • Light-sensitive innermost layer of the eye. • Contains rods (low light) and cones (color vision), aka photoreceptors
  • Functions of the blind spot
    • Area where the optic nerve leaves the eye, and there's no retina • Lacks photoreceptors, so it cannot detect light.