Attacks on religious beliefs and practices (Lenin)

Cards (6)

    • Cheka attacked clergy.
    • Lenin created the Living Church.
    • Many attacks on Islamic groups also.
    • 1918 Decree on Separation of Church and State saw religion banned in schools.
    • Patriarch Vladimir tortured and shot in Kyiv.
    • Leader of Living Church questioned scientific beliefs.
    • Anti-Islamic museums opened near mosques.
  • Legal Reforms of Religion
    • 1917 Decree on Land; gave peasants right to seize Church lands.
    • Decree concerning separation of Church and State, and of School and Church; Church lost privileged position in society; Church property nationalised; religious education banned.
    • 1922 Soviet Constitution; freedom of conscience.
    • Reality; difficult to enforce religious freedom; Soviet Courts had no sovereignty over the State; Lenin's actions threatened religious freedoms.
  • The Church and the Terror (Lenin)
    • Lenin declared the Church an enemy of the revolution; in November 1917, Archpriest Kochurov murdered outside Petrograd; in 1918, Metropolitan Vladimir shot in Kyiv; Orthodox Priests massacred in Moscow following Church Decree against Bolsheviks.
    • Cheka; mass execution of priests; within 2 years, most popular priests were dead.
    • Catholics; treated better due to historic persecution by the Tsar; in first half of 1918, Catholic priests just deported; executions only began during Civil War.
    • 1921 Famine; Church assets used to fund famine relief; blamed priests.
  • The Living Church
    • Structure; reformed Orthodox Church; ordinary people held power.
    • National Congress of 1923; Patriarch Tikhon deposed; new decentralised structure; intend to split Church and weaken national strength.
    • Archbishop Vedensky; debated Lunacharsky publically on science and religion; argued science could not disprove God.
    • Public Debates counterproductive; Central Committee banned Public Debates with the Church.
    • Faith in saints and miracles continued into the 1920s.
  • Islam under Lenin
    • 1920s Anti-Islamic Campaigns; Islam claimed to encourage 'crimes based on custom' such as denying women's rights; Communists wanted to destroy loyalty of Muslim citizens to Islam rather than the Communist Party.
    • Anti-Islamic Terror; closed mosques, turning them into sports clubs; discouraged pilgrimages; attacked Islamic shrines; launched anti-veiling campaign.