Attacks on religious beliefs and practices (Brezhnev, Andro)

Cards (3)

    • End of violent attacks on religion.
    • Slightly confused and paradoxical attitude towards religion.
    • Brezhnev created Institute for Scientific Atheism, promoted atheism as correct ideals.
    • Praised Islam as an 'anti-colonial creed', did this to gain favour with Arab leaders.
    • No churches or mosques closed under Brezhnev.
    • 20% remained religious of some sort.
  • Religion under Brezhnev
    • Ended Khrushchev's overt anti-religion campaign; church closures stopped; poster campaigns ended; Brezhnev chose to encourage atheist philosophy rather than attacking religion outright.
    • Institute for Scientific Atheism; published newspaper articles; taught teachers how to spread atheism in the classroom.
    • Islam; Brezhnev sought allies in the Middle East; USSR began supporting Anti-American Islamic Groups; Islam described as 'anticolonial creed'; established Spiritual Board of Muslims of Central Asia and Kazakhstan allowed Islamic leaders contact with fellow Muslims.