Suffered workplace discrimination, seen as a bad omen by male colleagues.
Policy of Great Retreat, anti-lesbian, anti-contraception, anti-abortion.
After WW2, women demobilised, seen as a reserve army of labour by Stalin, women veterans denied from military academies.
During WW2, 75% of industrial workforce was women.
In 1928, only 12% of Communist Party delegates were women.
Women workers paid 60% less than men for the same work.
Status of women under Stalin overview
Depictions in propaganda.
Women at War.
Women at Work.
The Great Retreat.
Depictions in propaganda
During FiveYearPlans, menindustrial workers were the main focus of propaganda posters - women were represented either as mothers or younggirls.
Feminine traits ridiculed; Sergei Eisenstein's film 'October' aimed to insult women soldiers who foughtagainst the Bolsheviks.
Women presented as motherly figures who rely on male protection.
Women at War
Empowering propaganda; women portrayed extensively on WW2 propaganda posters; vital role of women in the war praised via 'MotherlandisCalling'statue.
Propaganda still presented women as vulnerable; in 1942, Pravda publishes images of ZoyaKosmodemyanskaya - an 18 year old girl tortured and murdered by German soldiers. Her mother toured the country appealing to defend women and the 'motherland'.
After WW2; women praised in officialspeeches as 'Devushkivoiny' or 'girl-warriors'.
Women at Work
Women joined labour force due to demands of the Five Year Plans; in 1928 only 3 million women worked in industry versus over 13 million in 1940.
Higher and technical education opportunities; in 1940, over 40% of places in higher or technical education was reserved for women.
Double standard; women paid 60-65% less than men for the same jobs.
In some towns during WW2, 75% of the workforce were women.
The Great Retreat
Stability in society; Stalin aimed to increasebirthrates and decreasedivorcerates.
Conservative decrees; abortion was criminalised except if mother'slife was in danger; contraception banned; male homosexuality punishable by 5 years in prison.
Divorce; divorce made expensive - cost one week's wages; men had to pay 1/3 of their income to support children.
Pro-natal policy; women with 7 children received 2000 roubles a year for 5 years.