Approaches: Origins of Psychology (1)

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  • What is psychology defined as?

    The scientific study of the human mind and its functions
  • How does psychology differ from natural sciences?

    Psychology is a relatively new scientific discipline
  • What was psychology once known as?
    Experimental philosophy
  • Who was an early influence on psychology with the concept of Cartesian dualism?

    Rene Descartes
  • What does Cartesian dualism imply?

    The mind and body are separate entities
  • What concept did John Locke contribute to psychology?

  • What is empiricism?

    The belief that all knowledge is derived from sensory experience
  • Who's evolutionary theories influenced the emergence of psychology?

    Charles Darwin
  • What significant work did Wilhelm Wundt publish in 1873?

    'Principles of Physiological Psychology'
  • In what year did Wundt open the first psychology laboratory?

  • Why is Wilhelm Wundt often considered the father of psychology?

    He established psychology as a science and opened the first laboratory
  • What approach did Wundt use to study the human mind?

    He broke down behaviors into their basic elements, known as structuralism
  • What method did Wundt use to investigate the human mind?

  • What does introspection mean?

    'Looking into' one's own cognitive processes
  • How did Wundt establish psychology as a science?

    By using the scientific method
  • What are the steps of the scientific method in psychology?

    1. Ask a question
    2. State a hypothesis
    3. Conduct an experiment
    4. Analyze the results
    5. Make a conclusion
  • What are the two major assumptions of Wundt's scientific approach to psychology?

    All behavior is determined and can be predicted
  • What does objectivity in the scientific method refer to?

    Basing findings on fact, rather than opinion
  • What is replicability in the context of scientific research?

    The ability to repeat a study and achieve the same findings
  • What are empirical methods in psychology?

    Methods that can be observed and measured scientifically
  • What is the first step of the scientific method?

    Ask a question
  • What is the second step of the scientific method?

    State a hypothesis
  • What is the third step of the scientific method?

    Conduct an experiment
  • What is the fourth step of the scientific method?

    Analyze the results
  • What is the fifth step of the scientific method?

    Make a conclusion
  • What are the four goals of psychology?

    Description, Explanation, Prediction, Change
  • What does each goal of psychology entail?

    • Description: tells us "what" occurred
    • Explanation: tells us "why" a behaviour or mental process occurred
    • Prediction: identifies conditions for future behaviour or mental processes
    • Change: applies knowledge to prevent unwanted behaviour and promote desired change
  • Why did behaviourist psychologists like Watson question introspection?

    Because it produced subjective data that varied between participants
  • What is a major limitation of introspection in psychology?
    It produces subjective data that cannot be reliably measured
  • What is meant by empirical methods in psychology?

    Methods that focus on observable and measurable phenomena
  • What are the strengths of the scientific method in psychology?

    • Focuses on objectivity
    • Conducts research in controlled environments
    • Produces accurate knowledge and facts
    • Establishes causes of behaviour and develops testable theories
    • Enables the development of treatments, e.g., psychological therapies for depression
  • What is a limitation of the scientific method in psychology?

    It may not accurately reflect behaviour in natural environments
  • What is a challenge in measuring human behaviour using the scientific method?

    Some areas of human behaviour and mind cannot be observed or measured
  • Why are there different approaches in psychology?

    • Each approach offers a different perspective on human behaviour
    • They contribute to our understanding in various ways
    • No single approach is entirely correct; some are more useful depending on the context
  • What is the first step when studying a psychological approach?

    • Identify the main assumptions of the approach
    • Recognize that there may be several theories within the approach
    • Understand that all theories share common assumptions
  • What influenced the emergence of psychology as a discipline?
    The success of the natural sciences
  • Why did psychology need to adopt the methods of natural sciences?

    To be accepted and flourish as a subject in its own right
  • What was the long-standing belief about the human psyche in relation to scientific investigation?

    That it was not amenable to scientific investigation
  • When was scientific psychology finally born?

    Towards the end of the nineteenth century
  • What research method was used in Griffiths' 1994 study of gambling behavior?
