
Cards (2)

  • One strength
    Point – One strength of Zimbardo’s study is that he controlled for the
    individual differences of his participants
    Evidence – For example, he ensured that all his participants were
    assessed as being psychologically stable prior to the start of the study
    Explanation – This means that we can be sure that any changes in the
    participant’s behaviour is the direct result of the social roles that they
    were assigned.
    Link – This is a strength as it allows us to establish a cause and effect
    relationship between the roles given (IV) and the behaviours exhibited
  • 2nd Strength
    Point – One strength of Zimbardo’s study is that it used a realistic
    Evidence – For example, McDermott (2019) argued that
    participants behaved as if the study was real to them, with 90% of
    conversations being focused on prison life.
    Explanation – This is important because it suggests that the
    environment created by Zimbardo is an accurate simulation of a
    real prison setting.
    Link – This is a strength as it suggests the study was realistic, and
    therefore higher in ecological validity.