
Cards (3)

  • Meiosis - a cell division that produces 4 gametes, which are not genetically identical with half number of chromosomes.
  • Meiosis;
    1. All the cells DNA is replicated by replicating chromosomes creating an 'X' shape.
    2. Then, chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell. This is done randomly, so when cell splits the chromosomes are randomly distributed.
    3. Next, the second division occurs, when chromosomes line up in the middle and the cell splits.
    4. Finally, this creates 4 unidentical cells with 23 chromosomes each, which are called gametes.
  • Differences between mitosis and meiosis:
    • Mitosis undergoes cell division once, while meiosis does it twice.
    • Mitosis produces identical cells, whereas meiosis doesn't.
    • Mitosis creates 2 cells, while meiosis creates 4 cells.