Ecology Competition

Cards (16)

  • What is a habitat
    A habitat is where organisms live
  • What is a Population
    A population is where all organisms of one species living in the same habitat
  • What is a community
    A community is all the populations of different species living in a habitat
  • What is it meant by Biotic Factor
    A biotic factor is the living factor of the environment e.g food
  • What is it meant by an Abiotic factor
    An Abiotic factor is a non-living factor of the environment e.g Temperature
  • What is the definition of an Ecoystem
    Interaction of a community of living organisms (biotic) with the non living (abiotic) parts of the environment
  • What is a stable community
    All the species and environmental factors are in balance with each others that the population size remains constant
  • What is Sampling
    Sampling is a subset of organisms
  • What is the main two types of Sampling
    • Abundance
    • Distribution
  • What is it meant by Abundance
    Abundance is how many organisms there are in that habitat
  • What is it meant by Distribution
    Distribution is the amount of organisms
  • What is biodiversity
    Biodiversity is the variety of different species of organisms on earth or within the ecosystem
  • Why is high biodiversity important
    It makes sure that the ecosystems are stable
  • What are fishing Quotas
    Fishing quotas are a limit of number and the size of fish that can be caught preventing them from being overfished
  • What is the purpose of big net sizes
    Help the smaller fish to escape, allow them to grow and reproduce maintaining a stable community
  • what do net sizes help with
    Reduces the number of discarded and unwanted fish