gender bias

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    • what is Universality?
      • the aim to develop theories that apply to all people irrespective of differences such as gender or culture
    • what is Androcentrism?
      refers to theories which are centred or focused on men. 'normal' behaviour is judged according to the male standard
    • what is alpha bias?
      a tendency to exaggerate differences between men and women (results in theories de-valuing one gender)
    • what is beta bias?
      a tendency to ignore or minimise differences between men and women 
    • an example of alpha bias
      in his theory of pscyhoanalysis Freud viewed femininity as failed masculinity - exaggerating differences,
      • women inferior as they had penis envy
      • do not undergo the same oedipus complex as boys and have weaker identification with same sex parent suggesting women are morally inferior
    • an example of beta bias
      social learning theory
      asch and zimbardo used almost all male participants showing they are minimising the differences between men and women and assume it can just be applied universally
    • what is the problem with alpha or beta bias?
      they create misrepresentation of behavoiour

      alpha - this can lead to stereotypes of men or women and potentially devalue feminine traits

      beta -this can lead to under representation of female issues e.g. menstrual, menopause, maternity issues, specifically female issues in employment etc.
    • how to address beta bias
      including participants of both sexes in their research
      make it clear in reporting that any conclusion only relates to the gender of the sample
      1. Kholberg asked 72 boys to describe what behaviours would be fair in different situations,
      2. He used this to establish 6 distinct stages of moral development
      3. according this he he concluded women were less morally developed than men, also does not explain why more criminals are men as according to his view women are less moral
      4. carol gilligan suggested women make moral decisions in a different way, men based on justice and law women on care and compassion
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