
Cards (44)

  • What exceptional changes did Parliament make during Elizabeth's reign?

    Religious and constitutional changes
  • What was the role of Parliament by the time of Elizabeth's reign?

    It was the monarch's necessary partner in the lawmaking process
  • How significant was Parliament in the Elizabethan political system?

    It was a secondary feature for legislative and revenue-raising purposes
  • How many parliaments were called during Elizabeth's reign?

    • 13 parliaments called in 45 years
    • No sessions in 26 years
  • How many acts were passed by Elizabeth's parliaments?

    438 acts
  • In which years did Elizabeth intervene to prevent discussion of foreign affairs and matters of state?

    1571 and 1593
  • What was established during the 1st Parliament of Elizabeth?

    • Religious settlement
    • Legal status of the church and forms of worship established
  • Who encouraged the religious settlement during the 1st Parliament?
    Protestant councillors: Cecil, Knollys, Bacon
  • What was the focus of the 2nd Parliament of Elizabeth?

    • Extraordinary revenue to strengthen the northern border
    • Large number of MPs urging Elizabeth to marry
    • First instance of disagreement between Parliament and the Queen
  • How did Elizabeth view marriage during the 2nd Parliament?

    As a part of the royal prerogative
  • What were the main issues discussed in the 3rd Parliament?

    • Extraordinary revenue
    • Marriage
    • Elizabeth prevented further religious reform bills
  • What was the purpose of the 4th Parliament in 1571?

    To provide extraordinary revenue for the suppression of the northern rebellion
  • Who proposed a bill to reform the Book of Common Prayer in the 4th Parliament?
    William Strickland
  • What was the outcome of Strickland's proposal in the 4th Parliament?

    Elizabeth vetoed it due to council's preference for subtle reform
  • What were the main issues addressed in the 5th Parliament of 1572?

    • Security after the Ridolfi plot
    • Execution of the Duke of Norfolk and Mary Queen of Scots
    • Social and economic legislation
  • What was the focus of the 6th Parliament in 1576?

    Parliament revealed from the previous session and granted a subsidy
  • Who argued that members of Parliament had the right to discuss any subject in the 6th Parliament?
    Peter Wentworth
  • What were the main issues discussed in the 7th Parliament of 1581?
    • Parliament recalled from the previous session
    • Granted a subsidy
    • Tightened anti-Catholic laws
  • What was the focus of the 8th Parliament from November 1584 to March 1585?
    • Aftermath of the assassination of William of Orange
    • Tightened anti-Catholic laws
    • Act for the serenity of the queen's person
  • What were the main issues addressed in the 9th Parliament from October 1586 to March 1587?

    • Difficult international relations and aftermath of the Babington plot
    • Debated execution of Mary Queen of Scots
    • Presbyterian MPs sought religious reform
  • What was Elizabeth's response to the petition for Mary's execution in the 9th Parliament?
    She disregarded her entire reign's habits by seeking parliamentary advice
  • What were the main issues discussed in the 10th Parliament of February to March 1589?
    • Extraordinary revenue for the war with Spain
    • Double subsidy
    • Positive outcomes due to the aftermath of the Armada triumph
  • What were the main issues addressed in the 11th Parliament from January to April 1593?
    • Legislation against recusants
    • Triple subsidy
    • Peter Wentworth imprisoned for infringing on royal prerogative
  • What were the main issues discussed in the 12th Parliament from October 1587 to February 1598?
    • Social and economic crisis
    • Elizabeth needed money
    • Poor law introduced
    • Triple subsidy
    • Monopolies controversy
  • What were the main issues addressed in the 13th Parliament from January to April 1593?
    • Elizabeth short on money
    • 1598 Poor Law revised
    • Demonstrated political skill
    • Quadruple subsidy
    • Even more controversy
  • What roles did Sir Francis Knollys and Sir Hattom play in managing Parliament?

    • They acted as floor managers
    • Cecil used his own lawyers and experts to support Parliament
  • How many bills did Elizabeth refuse royal assent to during her reign?
    Over 60 bills
  • What was the impact of monopolies granted by Elizabeth in 1597 and 1601?
    • Nobles became very rich at the expense of the country
    • Parliament refused to grant government subsidies
    • Elizabeth forced to repeal or suspend monopolies
  • What was the significance of the Golden Speech in 1601?
    • Farewell speech by Elizabeth
    • Acknowledged as a masterful performance
    • Many MPs reportedly left in tears
  • How did Elizabeth's image change as she grew older?
    • Became increasingly indecisive and prone to rages
    • More forgiving of her favorites
    • Continued engagement with political life despite challenges
  • Who dominated the Privy Council towards the end of Elizabeth's reign?
    Sir Robert Cecil
  • What did Sir Robert Cecil understand about governing during Elizabeth's reign?
    He knew better than to ignore the great nobles or the fact that the queen ruled
  • Who were the floor managers in Parliament during Elizabeth's reign?
    Sir Francis Knollys and Sir Hattom
  • What role did Cecil play in supporting Parliament?

    Cecil used his own lawyers and experts to support Parliament
  • How many bills did Elizabeth refuse royal assent to during her reign?

    Over 60 bills
  • What were the implications of the monopolies granted by Elizabeth in 1597 and 1601?

    • Monopolies over basic commodities like salt were granted
    • Made nobles very rich at the expense of the country
    • Angered Parliament, leading to refusal of government subsidies
    • Elizabeth was forced to repeal or suspend monopolies
  • What was Robert Cecil's political skill level in negotiating with Parliament?

    Robert Cecil did not have the political skills to negotiate with Parliament
  • What was the outcome of Parliament's reaction to the monopolies?

    Parliament became oppositional
  • How many MPs and who was present during the Golden Speech in 1601?

    140 MPs and the Speaker
  • What did Elizabeth realize about the Golden Speech?

    It was likely to be the final Parliament of her reign