
Cards (4)

  • Evidence for investigative psychology
    One strength of investigative psychology is that evidence supports its use:
    • Canter and Heritage analysed 66 sexual assault cases using smallest space analysis
    • Several behaviours were consistent - impersonal language and lack of reaction to victim
    • Each individual displayed a characteristic pattern
    • Can be used to establish whether multiple crimes were committed by the same person
    • Therefore, supports a principle of investigative psychology
  • Counterpoint to Canter and Heritage - flawed database

    • The database was only based on convicted offenders
    • Unconvicted offenders may be 'better' or smarter
    • Case linkage is easy if the crimes are simple to solve
    • Therefore, investigative psychology may tell us little about crimes with few links
  • Evidence for geographical profiling
    One strength is evidence to support geographical profiling:
    • Canter and Lundrigan collated information from 120 serial killer murder cases in the US
    • Smallest space analysis revealed consistency in behaviour
    • Locations of disposal sites created a circle with a centre of gravity around the offender's home
    • The effect was more noticeable in marauders
    • Therefore, geographical information can be used to identify an offender
  • Lack of success of circle theory
    One limitation of geographical profiling is that the usefulness of circle theory may be overstated:
    • Canter and Larkin distinguished between marauders and commuters in a study of 45 sexual assaults
    • However, 91% of the offenders were marauders - therefore, the classification doesn't seem all that useful
    • Petherick pointed out that if the offender's home base is not in the centre of the circle, police may look in the wrong place
    • Therefore, circle theory may have little usefulness