
    Cards (13)

    • define-ethical issues
      when there is a conflict between the rights of the pps to be safe and the goals of research to produce valuable data
    • define-BPS guidelines
      code of conduct that every professional psychologist in the uk has to follow and explains how pps should be delt with.
    • define- informed consent(not available from vulnerable pps, so instead obtain gatekeepers consent)
      making pps aware of the aims, procedures and rights. pps can then make an informed decision as to whether they want to take part.
    • give some ways of dealing with informed consent
      researchers produce a consent form
      retrospective consent
    • define- retrospective consent

      when pps give consent after a debrief
    • define- deception
      Deliberately misleading or withholding information from participants
    • give some ways of dealing with deception
      full debrefing at the end of a study -informs pps of anything they were not told about
    • define- protection from harm
      Participants must not be exposed to any negative physical or psychological effects than they would in their normal day, this includes being embaressed or stressed
    • give some ways of dealing with protection from harm
      psychologists to reassure that the behaviour of pps was ''normal'' , if they anxious about it
      could be offered conciling
    • define privacy and confedentiality-
      pps right to control their information. information should be protected and anonymised.
    • how could we deal with privacy and confidentiality?
      refer to pps with numbers or pseudonyms
      not sharing their data with others
    • define- right to withdraw
      Participants should be informed that they can withdraw their information at any point and can leave at any point
    • how could we deal with the right to withdraw?
      remind pps of their right to withdraw alongside their right to withold information during the debrief