Energy Transfer in Ecosystems

Cards (12)

  • Energy flow in ecosystems:
    • Energy enters an ecosystem as light.
    • Light energy is used to produce organic molecules from CO2 and water.
    • Energy in organic molecules is passed to consumers.
  • Photosynthesis Efficiency:
    • Some light is the wrong wavelength and is not used.
    • Some light is reflected off the leaf.
    • Some light passes through the leaf without hitting a chloroplast.
  • Photosynthesis Efficiency = (energy in carbohydrate / light energy falling on plant) x 100
  • The amount of energy in carbohydrate made by photosynthesis in a given area or volume in a given time is termed gross primary production.
  • Net Productivity = Gross Productivity - Respiratory Losses.
    NPP = GPP - R
  • The NPP is available to the plant for growth and available other trophic levels - primary consumers and decomposers.
  • Net productivity (NPP) can fall due to succession. This is due to less light reaching lower levels or more biomass respiring.
  • The chemical energy store in dry biomass can be estimated using calorimetry.
  • Energy = Mass x 4.2 x Temp. increase.
  • Efficiency= Energy in biomass (of consumer) / Energy consumed.
  • Only about 10% of energy is transferred between trophic levels.
  • Eficiency between trophic levels:
    1. Not all plant/ animals matter is consumed and absorbed.
    2. Some energy is lost as metabolic waste.
    3. Respiratory losses.
    N= I - (F+R)