
Cards (15)

  • What is random sampling?

    Population is picked randomly, with all having an equal chance of being picked.
  • What is a key advantage of random sampling?
    It provides an unbiased representative sample.
  • What is a disadvantage of random sampling?

    It is inefficient and often time-wasting.
  • What is stratified sampling?

    It involves splitting the target population into important subcategories in correct proportions.
  • What is a key advantage of stratified sampling?

    It is representative and should generalize well due to ordered subcategories.
  • What are the disadvantages of stratified sampling?

    It is hard to identify important characteristics and is time-consuming.
  • What is opportunity sampling?

    It involves selecting people who are available at the time.
  • What is a key advantage of opportunity sampling?

    It is quick and economical since participants are readily available.
  • What is a disadvantage of opportunity sampling?

    It is unrepresentative and biased, often favoring more educated individuals.
  • What is volunteer sampling?

    It involves individuals who have willingly volunteered, often from an advertisement.
  • What is a key advantage of volunteer sampling?

    It is convenient as little effort is required for advertisements.
  • What is a disadvantage of volunteer sampling?
    Volunteers tend to be more outgoing and may not represent the general population.
  • What is systematic sampling?

    A sample is obtained by selecting every nth person from a list.
  • What is a key advantage of systematic sampling?

    It is unbiased as participants are selected using an objective system.
  • What is a disadvantage of systematic sampling?

    It is not totally random unless the selection number is chosen randomly.