
Cards (5)

  • How do bio. intervention programmes prevent crim. behaviour?

    • Nutritional supplements
    • 100 children with low resting heart rate and control group had 3 part intervention:
    Nutrition - milk, fruit juice, fish, chicken
    Exercise - gym session, structured games
    Cogni. stimulation - nursery curriculum on art, music
    • At 11 children focussed attention better, had mature brains
    • At 17 scored lower on conduct disorder ratings, less likely to act anti socially
    • Those poorly nourished at start showed 53% reduction in disorder at 17 comp. to 9% in control
    • Nutrition helps prevent crime
  • How do Omega 3 supplements prevent crim. behaviour?

    • Nutritional supplements
    • Omega 3 deficiency = less regulation of limbic system = aggression
    • Found in fatty fish like salmon, olive oil, avocado + walnuts
    • Raine study on children who drank omega 3 rich drink found reduction in aggression and delinquency after 12 months
    • Gesch suggested antisocial beh. in prisons including violence reduced by supplementing young offenders diet with omega 3 by giving them omega 3 capsules taken 4 times a day - led to 26% improvement in disciplinary record
  • How do biosocial interventions prevent crim. beh. ?

    • Outlines risk factors for children at risk of antisocial behaviour + puts interventions including biological elements
    • Health promotion pre natal + post natal on smoking, drinking, diet
    • 400 low social class women given intervention
    • 9 home visits from nurses during pregnancy and 23 in first 2 years
    • Gave advice on reducing smoking + alcohol use improving nutrition
    • 15 year follow up showed reduction in arrests + convictions when mums had intervention
  • How does plastic surgery help prevent crim. beh. ?

    • If someone has physical deformity this could increase the risk of them taking a criminal pathway and if we can improve their appearance we can reduce recidivism
    • Reconstructive surgery to correct facial defects and boost self esteem
    • Conducted 450 facial reconstructions in a prison population and observed consequent behaviours in both prison and after release
    • Found increased cooperation with authority and 42% decrease in recidivism rates
  • How do antipsychotics help prevent crim. beh?

    • Mental illness associated with malfunction in the nervous system, helpful in preventing criminal behaviour
    • They work by altering the dopamine in brain and are dopamine antagonists by blocking D2 receptors
    • Faze: Found there was a 45% reduction in violent crime when patients were prescribed antipsychotics but only for violent crime
    • Lewinson: found increased cooperation with authority when taking antipsychotics
    • Chlozapine - 2nd gen atypical antipsychotic that tackles the positive and negative symptoms of schi. and blocks D2 and serotonin receptors