
Cards (10)

  • Positive symptoms of SZ
    When something is added or gained to their behaviour/personality
  • negative symptoms of SZ
    when the ability to perform a action is lost. absence of normal thinking.
  • hallucinations
    a false perception in a sensory modality without an external stimulus. they can be visual, somatic, gustatory or auditory.
    -positive symptom
  • delusions
    a false belief despite undeniable evidence to the contrary.
    -positive symptom
  • speech poverty
    The ability to speak freely is dimished. There are changes in the pattern of speech and word salads/neologisms.
    -negative symptom
  • avolition
    lack of motivation to complete tasks with an end goal. this can lead to poor hygiene and inability to work or socialise.
    -negative symptom
  • What is symptom overlap in the context of schizophrenia?
    When two disorders share similar symptoms
  • What is comorbidity in the context of schizophrenia?
    Presence of multiple disorders simultaneously
  • Definition of reliability in context to classification of SZ
    How far the classification system produces the same diagnosis for the same set of symptoms.
  • definition of validity for the classification of sz
    whether the diagnosis is correct. validity is assessed by looking at whether the treatment works.