treaty of versailles reparations damaged Germany's economy
expenditure - gov spending
gov spending rising as Weimar Republic had brought in welfare benefits and had to pay pensions for widows and veterans , compensate war victims
gov had to paid compensation to people who lost land under versailles , gave cheap loans and subsidies to help industry
marks lost value quickly due to inflation :
jan 1918 - 8.9 marks to $1
jan 1923 - 17,792 marks to $1
german gov fell behind with reparation payments
sum of reparations = £6.6 billion in 1921
gov had to buy good or raw materials to meet reparation payments and had to print more money for gov spending
impact of french occupation of the Ruhr:
as germany fell behind on their reparation payments , France invaded Ruhr
streseman ordered workers to stop working (passive resistance)
hyperinflation got worse - no income from ruhr
rentenmark - introduced november 1923
people had confidence in the new currency - Rentenmark
cons of hyperinflation:
money lost all value
savings and incomes = worthless
monthly salaries = no value
affected mainly middle class
people sold heirlooms for money
pros of hyperinflation:
foreign currency purchasing power soared
value of loans decreased
german gov benefitted - 150,000 million marks in debt = 15 pfennings in reichmark
invasion of ruhr = 1923
french and belgians shot 132 germans dead during ruhr occupation - removed 150,000 people from their region for refusing to obey orders
motive behind invasion of ruhr :
germany couldn't pay france and belgium reparations
france and belgium dissatisfied and wanted to seize what was theirs from the germany economy
streseman = ended inflation
dawes plan:
reparations would be 1,000 million marks , then 2,500 million after 5 years and then vary according to germany's economic performance
allies got control of railways , reichsbank and customs duties
germany given 800 million loan from US to stabilise currency
international economic agreements that helped Germany economy:
franco-german agreements on potash and aluminium
european cooperation on raw materials production
right wing view of dawes plan:
right wing against war guilt and reparations
believed dawes plan achieved nothing
young plan - introduced 1930
the young plan reduced reparations by 20%
young plan failed due to wall street crash in 1930 , money that supported the plan recalled
locarno pact (1925) - pact with Britain , France , Germany , Italy and Belguim.
Germany recgonised borders with France and the demilitarisation of the Rhineland
1926 - League of Nations set up
Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928) Germany and 62 other countries signed it
countries agreed to disarm or reduce armed forces and not use war to resolve disagreements
support for extremist parties such as Nazis and KPD decreased due to growing support for Weimar Republic after the implementation of Streseman's policies
1925-29 , 100,000 homes built for workers
1927 - insurance system set up to help workers if they were unemployed or ill
positives of golden year : economy
1928 - production equalled that of pre WW1
1928 - national income was 13% higher than in 1913
Chemical company IG Farben = largest manufactuer in Europe
1.3 million unemployed - decreased every year
wages rose every year , 1927 - 9% , 1928 - 12%
negatives of golden year : economy
unemployment never fell below 1.3 million
agricultural was in recession from 1927 , 1929 - outputs 75% less than 1913 levels