Multi-store Memory Model

Cards (14)

  • What are the three main assumptions of the Multi-store Memory Model?

    1. Our mind works sequentially
    2. We have one store for STM and one store for LTM
    3. Our STM and LTM are physically separate
  • What is a drawback of the Multi-store Memory Model?

    It assumes once something is in our LTM it is impossible to forget
  • What is elaborative rehearsal?

    Rehearsal with pre-existing information to link to
  • What types of information can be recorded differently in sensory memory?

    Iconic and echoic information
  • What does the term "iconic" refer to in memory?

    Visual information
  • What does the term "echoic" refer to in memory?

    Auditory information
  • What did Baddeley find regarding similar-sounding and similar-meaning words?

    Similar-sounding words are harder to remember in STM, and similar-meaning words are harder in LTM
  • How is trauma a weakness for the MSMM?
    Trauma can bypass STM and be committed directly to LTM, something that the MSMM doesn't account for.
  • What did Shallice and Warrington's study on a patient with amnesia reveal?

    The patient had better recall when reading than when spoken to, indicating a split in sensory memory
  • What was observed in the case of patient HM?

    He could not commit new information to LTM but had a functioning STM
  • What did Craik and Watkins find about maintenance rehearsal?

    It extends the duration of information in STM but does not commit it to LTM without elaborative rehearsal
  • What is a limitation of studies supporting the MSMM?

    They are usually conducted in a lab, leading to low ecological validity
  • What is the definition of low ecological validity?

    Information that can’t be transferred to the real world
  • What is the difference between iconic and echoic memory?

    • Iconic memory: Visual information
    • Echoic memory: Auditory information