Types of LTM

Cards (11)

  • What are the three different stores of long-term memory according to Tulving?
    Episodic memory, semantic memory, and procedural memory
  • How does episodic memory differ from semantic memory?
    Episodic memory involves personal events with a time stamp, while semantic memory involves factual knowledge
  • What is procedural memory also known as?
    Muscle memory
  • What is required to recall memories from episodic and semantic memory?
    A conscious effort is required
  • What happens to the effectiveness of long-term memory stores over time?
    The effectiveness decreases and can be wiped out through injury or infection
  • How does maintaining the effectiveness of long-term memory stores benefit the economy?
    It allows individuals to work for longer periods, strengthening the economy
  • What clinical evidence supports the theory of separate long-term memory stores?
    • Mr. Wearing could perform semantic and procedural tasks despite brain damage.
    • He could play the piano and recognize his wife.
    • He could not recall personal events like his wedding.
  • What did Buckner and Peterson find regarding the coding of semantic and episodic memory?
    Semantic memory is coded on the left of the prefrontal cortex, while episodic memory is coded on the right
  • What is a limitation of the clinical evidence used to support the theory of long-term memory stores?
    The brain damage may affect memory ability, making it hard to determine normal functioning
  • Why is it difficult to prove how the brain operates normally based on clinical evidence?
    Because the data comes from patients with brain damage, introducing extraneous variables
  • What ethical concerns arise from studying brain function through damage?
    Intentionally causing damage to study memory function is considered unethical