mind is not observable, only study what is directly observable (external behaviour)
We are born as blank slates and every behaviour is learned from our environment
Humans and animals are similar so animals can be experimented on and results generalised to humans
How does behaviourism say we learn things?
We learn things directly through either:
classical conditioning - learning through Association
operant conditioning - learning through Reinforcement
who theorised classical conditioning?
explain pavlov's dog experiment (classical conditioning)
before conditioning, unconditioned stimulus (food) caused unconditioned response (salivating)
during conditioning, unconditioned stimulus (food) paired with the neutral stimulus (bell) causing the same unconditioned response (Salivating)
after conditioning, neutral stimulus (bell) is now the conditioned stimulus, causing a conditioned response (salivating)
components of classical conditioning?
unconditioned stimulus - something that naturally causes a response
unconditioned response - a behaviour which occurs naturally in response to the unconditioned response
Neutral stimulus - something which doesn't cause a response
conditioned stimulus - something which causes a response as a result of new learning
conditioned response - a behaviour which is exhibited to a conditioned stimulus as a result of new learning
operant conditioning - what is positive reinforcement
good behaviour rewarded with something the person wants, making them more likely to repeat the behaviour
operant conditioning - what is negative reinforcement?
something unpleasant is taken away when the person displays a desirable behaviour meaning they are more likely to repeat the behaviour inorder to avoid the negative stimulus
operant conditioning - what is punishment?
something unpleasant is given or something pleasant is taken away when an individual displays an undesirable behaviour, meaning they are less likely to repeat this behaviour
How did Skinner investigate operant conditioning?
he created skinners box which let him have a controlled environment where he could explore how type and rate of reinforcement affected learning