biological approach

Cards (15)

  • what is the biological approach main assumption?
    all psychological aspects of a person has a physical cause located in the body
  • what does the biological approach assume psychological characteristics are determined by?
    • genes
    • biochemistry (hormones and neurotransmitters)
    • neuroanatomy (brain structure)
  • what are the 3 main principles of the biological approach to psychology?
    1. genetics
    2. genotype and phenotype
    3. evolution
  • define gene
    part of chromosome of an organism carrying inheritable information
  • define genotype
    genetic make-up of an individual
  • define hormone
    chemicals produced by endocrine glands causing physiological reactions
  • define natural selection
    process by which characteristics enhancing reproductive success or survival passed down
  • define phenotype
    observable characteristics of an individual from interaction between genes and environment
  • define neurotransmitter
    chemical messengers stimulating our brain
  • outline genetics as part of the biological approach to psychology
    instructions for biological activity
    • variants get passed down through families or mutations
    • doesn't ignore the environment as suggests environment affects genes and use of epigenetics
  • explain studies that researched the role of genetics
    twin studies investigate if personality characteristics are inherited the same as physical features
    • MZ twins are more similar than DZ twins
  • explain the link between genotypes and phenotypes with twin studies
    MZ twins have the same genotype but lead different lifestyles so have changes in physical appearance
  • outline the role of evolution
    • characteristic is helpful to survival then it becomes naturally selected and passed down to offspring
    • characteristics become shared by all species
    • doesn't ignore the environment as it dictates what is advantageous and how species adapt
  • outline the role of neurochemistry
    complex network of electrical and chemical activity
    • brain relies on electrochemical messages
    • changes in balance in the brain changes how we think and feel
    • different brain regions change behaviour if damaged
  • evaluate the biological approach to psychology
    • highly scientific methods e.g. brain scans and twin studies, which are less prone to bias, support from strong evidence

    • development of effective drug therapies for psychological disorders, practical benefits

    • reductionist as ignores role of emotions and sociocultural context, parsimonious