Cards (101)

  • An INTERPERSONAL PROCESS because of the interaction between the two or more individuals who have a common goal.
    The Nurse and Patient work together so both become mature and knowledgeable in the care process.
    1. orientation
    2. identification
    3. exploration
    4. resolution
  • Problem defining phase.
    Starts when client meets nurse as stranger
    orientation phase
  • This phase is the DEVELOPMENT OF A NURSING CARE PLAN based on the patient's situation and goals.
    orientation phase
  • Use of professional assistance for problem solving alternatives based on the NEEDS AND INTERESTS OF THE PATIENTS.
    exploitation phase
  • Termination of professional relationship.
    The patient's needs have already been met by the collaborative effect of patient and nurse.
    resolution phase
  • Resource Person – one who provides a specific needed information that aids in the understanding of a problem or new situation.
  • Counselor – helps recognize, face, accept and resolve problems.
  • role of nurse
    1. leader
    2. surrogate
    3. technical expert
  • Leader – initiates and maintains group goals through interaction.
  • Surrogate – take the place of another.
  • Technical Expert – provides physical care using clinical skills.
  • person; hildegard peplau
    A developing organism that tries to reduce anxiety caused by needs.
  • environment; hildegard peplau
    Existing forces outside the organism and in the context of culture.
  • health; hildegard peplau
    A word symbol that implies forward movement of personality and other ongoing human princesses in the direction of creative, constructive, productive, personal and community living.
  • nursing; hildegard peplau
    A significant therapeutic interpersonal process. It functions cooperatively with other human processes that make health possible for individuals in communities.
  • Jean Watson's theory is on "Mind-Body-Spirit Approach" to healing.
  • The foundation of Jean Watson’s theory of nursing was published in 1979 in nursing: “The philosophy and science of caring”
  • Watson believes that the main focus in nursing is on carative factors. She believes that for nurses to develop humanistic philosophies and value systems, a strong liberal arts background is necessary.
  • jean watson
    This goal is attainable through transpersonal caring guided by the CARATIVE FACTORS and corresponding CARITAS PROCESSES.
  • jean watson - 10 primary carative factors and 10 caritas processes
  • Relationships are the foundation of the work.
    transpersonal caring
  • Conveys a concern for the inner life world.
  • Relationships move beyond ego-self and radiate to spiritual, even cosmic concerns and connections that tap into healing possibilities and potentials.
    transpersonal caring
  • Occurs whenever the nurse and another come together, beyond ego, with their unique life histories and phenomenal fields in a human-to-human connection.

    caring moment
  • A heart-centered loving energetic field; a turning point.
    A call to higher/deeper consciousness, intentionality.
    transpersonal caring moment
  • Within the MODEL OF TRANSPERSONAL CARING, clinical caritas consciousness is engaged at a foundational ethical level for entry into this framework.
  • person; Jean watson
    A valued person in and of him or herself to be cared for, respected, nurtured, understood and assisted; in general a philosophical view of a person as a fully functional integrated self. He, human, is viewed as greater than and different from, the sum of his or her parts.
  • health; jean watson
    Watson believes that there are other factors that are needed to be included in the WHO definition of health. She adds the following three elements:
    A high level of overall physical, mental and social functioning.
    A general adaptive-maintenance level of daily functioning.
    The absence of illness (or the presence of efforts that leads its absence)
  • environment; jean watson
    According to Watson, caring (and nursing) has existed in every society. A caring attitude is not transmitted from generation to generation. It is transmitted by the culture of the profession as a unique way of coping with its environment.
  • nursing; jean watson
    She defines nursing as “A human science of persons and human health-illness experiences that are mediated by professional, personal, scientific, esthetic and ethical human transactions”.
  • imogen king
    Nursing focus is the care of human being
  • imogen king
    Nursing goal is the health care of individuals and groups
  • conceptual framework
    Each system defines HUMAN BEINGS as the basic elements in the system thus the unit of analysis in frameworks was human behavior in a variety of social environments.
  • personal system - the individual
  • interpersonal system - individuals interacting with one another
  • social system - groups of people in a community/society sharing common goals, interests and values
  • UNDERSTANDING the interpersonal requires the concepts of: 
    • Interaction 
    • Communication
    • Transaction
    • Role
    • Stress
  • A more comprehensive interacting system consists of groups that make up society.
    concepts for social system