life in republican zone

Cards (17)

  • marriage code introduced in Catalonia , women given equal rights to men in terms of marriage and divorce
  • Republican zone = first zone in Europe for a woman to occupy a cabinet position in government
  • abortions legalised
  • communist women against the Falange organised women to work as nurses and to staff creches and orphanages
  • women led more liberal lives
  • POUM militia made men and women equal
  • sep 1936 - Largo Caballero passed decree that withdrew women from the frontline
  • 1,000 women fought as part of socialist militia groups during the war
  • working women recieved hostility from men who still had conservative views
  • in anarchist areas , women workers organised themselves to take control of their workplace males who ran brothels shot and profits from sex work shared between workers
  • falagnist priest , landlords and supporters of CEDA = killed
  • buildings that symbolised old regime destroyed
  • acts of terror decreased as republican gov gained more control over various zones in 1936
  • CNT established courts to reduced acts of violence and terror to control people , terror broke out in areas with little control
  • more than 6,000 priests , nuns and monks were killed in the region of Barbastro
  • 80% of clergy killed in Catalonia , industrialists killed and in Aragon landowners killed
  • Red Terror helped persuade church to support Nationalists - gave Britain a reason NOT to support Nationalists