Cards (43)

  • coram - in the presence of
  • conscendo, conscendere, conscendi, conscensum - to mount
  • caedes, caedis (f) - slaughter, killing, murder
  • cano, canere, cecini, cantus - to sing, sound, play
  • caveo, cavere, cavi, cautus - to beware, take care
  • cedo, cedere, cessi, cessus = concedo - to yield, give up
  • celo, celare, celavi, celatus - to hide, conceal
  • cerno, cernere, crevi, cretus - to see, perceive, decree
  • certiorem facio - to inform
  • cingo, cingere, cinxi, cinctus = circumdo, circumdare
  • civitas, civitatis (f) - citizenship, state, city, tribe
  • clades, cladis (f) - disaster, loss, defeat
  • cogo, cogere, coegi, coactus - to force, compel, drive, assemble
  • colo, colere, colui, cultus - to cultivate, worship, honour
  • committo, committere, commisi, commissus - to commit, fight, begin (battle)
  • comparo, comparare comparavi, comparatus - to prepare, provide, obtain, compare
  • condemno, condemnare condemnavi, condemnatus - to convict, condemn
  • condo, condere, condidi, conditus - to found, establish, hide
  • conficio, conficere, confeci, confectus - to complete, wear out
  • confido, conficere confeci, confectus = credo, credere - to trust, believe, have confidence (in)
  • consisto, consistere, constiti, constitus - to halt, stand, stand firm
  • consulo, consulere, consului, consultus - to consult, consider, advise
  • contendo, contendere = propero, properare = dimico, dimicare, dimicavi, dimicatum - to hurry, march, contend, fight
  • corripio, corripere, corripui, correptus = aufero - to seize, carry off
  • cunctus, cuncta, cunctum - all, whole
  • custos, custodis (m/f) - guard
  • carmen, carminis (n) - song, poem, spell
  • causam dico - to plead a case
  • circumdo, circumdare - to surround X (acc) with Y (abl); to put Y (acc) around X (dat)
  • colligo, colligere, collegi, collectum = confero, conferre, contuli, conlatus - to collect, assemble
  • collis, collis (m) - hill
  • commodus, commoda, commodum - convenient, suitable
  • coniuratio, coniurationis (f) - conspiracy, plot
  • constat, constare, constituit (impersonal) - it is agreed (that)
  • cornu, cornus (n) - horn/ wing of army
  • corrumpo, corrumpere, corrupi, corruptum - to spoil, destroy, corrupt
  • culpo, culpare, culpavi, culpatum - to blame
  • currus, currus (m) - chariot
  • cursus, cursus - running, course, race
  • consulatus, consulatus (m) - consulship