Cards (14)

  • What is the main premise of Social Learning Theory according to Bandura (1986)?

    New patterns of behaviour are acquired through observation of others.
  • How do models contribute to Social Learning Theory?

    Models provide examples of behaviour that can be observed and imitated.
  • What are the key determinants in Social Learning Theory?

    The key determinants are the characteristics of the model, the observer's ability to perform the behaviour, and its observed consequences.
  • What does identification with a model depend on?

    Identification with a model is based on perceived similarity.
  • What is vicarious reinforcement in Social Learning Theory?

    Vicarious reinforcement is when individuals learn about the likely consequences of behaviour by observing others.
  • What must individuals do to learn through observation according to Social Learning Theory?

    Individuals must form mental representations of the behaviour and its probable consequences.
  • What are the applications of Social Learning Theory in understanding criminal behaviour?

    • Offers a way to understand criminal behaviour (Ulrich).
    • Highlights the role of models in learning aggressive behaviours.
  • What research supports the idea of identification in Social Learning Theory?

    Research shows learning is more effective from similar than dissimilar models (Fox and Bailenson).
  • What is a criticism of Social Learning Theory regarding criminal behaviour?

    A criticism is the problem of causality, suggesting criminal behaviour may not solely be due to exposure to deviant models (Siegel and McCormick).
  • What was the procedure in Bandura et al.'s (1961) study?

    Children observed aggressive or non-aggressive models interacting with a Bobo doll.
  • What did the aggressive model do in Bandura et al.'s study?

    The aggressive model displayed distinctive physical and verbal aggressive acts toward the doll.
  • What were the findings of Bandura et al.'s study regarding children's behaviour?

    Children who observed the aggressive model imitated their aggression, while those who observed the non-aggressive model showed little aggression.
  • What is a problem of complexity in Social Learning Theory?

    Advocates of SLT may disregard other potential influences on behaviour.
  • How has identification been shown to be important in social learning?

    Identification has been shown to be important in social learning, as evidenced by studies like Andsager's on health campaigns.