Social Learning Theory

Cards (12)

  • Social Learning Theory Assumptions?
    • we learn directly through experience but also indirectly through observing and imitating others' behaviours
    • we are not simply responding to stimuli, we do have cognitive elements to our behaviour aswell
  • what is vicarious reinforcement?
    reinforcement which doesn't happen through direct experience but through observing someone else being reinforced for a behaviour
  • what are mediational processes?
    Cognitive processes that occur between a stimulus and a response, meaning that they are the stages of thinking after observing a behaviour but before learning a behaviour
  • what are the mediational processes?
    1. Attention - have we noticed the behaviour?
    2. Retention - have we remembered it for later on?
    3. Motor Reproduction - can we carry out the behaviour?
    4. Motivation - do we want to imitate the role model?
  • how does learning occur according to SLT?
    • through imitation of role models, these are people we identify with
    • the individual observes the role model and the behaviour is imitated later on
  • What is identification?
    looking up to someone similar to us (e.g gender, hobbies, attitude) that has something we don't have
  • Bobo Doll Experiment - aim and method
    • aim - demonstrate aggression can be learnt through modelling
    • a control group of children put into 3 groups for 10 minutes, half the children saw male role models and the other half saw female role models play
    • kids then observed playing with a range of aggressive and non-aggressive toys including the Bobo Doll
  • Bobo Doll Experiment - Models
    • aggressive model - children watched an adult hit and shout at the Bobo Doll, then left by themselves to play in the room with a variety of toys
    • non-aggressive model - watched an adult play quietly with a construction set
  • Bobo Doll Experiment - Results
    • children who saw the aggressive model produced more aggressive acts
    • Boys imitated same sex models more than girls
    • girls imitated more physical aggression if they saw male models and more verbal aggression if they saw female models
  • Social Learning Theory - Evaluation (cognitive factors)
    Cognitive factors
    • recognises importance of cognitive factors in learning (through mediational processes)
    • suggesting SLT offers a more comprehensive explanation of learning due to its recognition of mediational processes compared to operant and classical conditioning
    • too little reference to biological factors
    • bandura claimed neural biological differences affected learning potential, but he thought learning was determined by environment
    • recent research shows learning may be determined by mirror neurons in the brain
  • Social Learning Theory Evaluation
    Contrived Lab Studies
    • Evidence for SLT was gathered through lab studies
    • lab studies criticised for their contrived nature where participants may respond to demand characteristics due to low external validity
    • main purpose of the Bobo Doll is to strike it, participants may have just been acting as they thought was expected
    Real World Application
    • modelling, imitation and vicarious reinforcement can account for how children learn from others and the media and can explain how cultural norms are transmitted across societies
  • Social Learning Theory Evaluation
    Reciprocal Determinism
    • bandura emphasised reciprocal determinism, say we are not just influenced by our environment but also exert influence on it by how we choose to behave
    • suggesting there is some free will in the way we behave