What can overcome the issues that arise from conditions of worth?
Rogers suggests client-centred therapy
What does Rogers aim to do with client-centred therapy?
Reduce gap between self-concept and ideal self
Helps people cope with everyday life events
What does Rogers say about worthlessness?
Sense of worthlessness is rooted from childhood experiences and can be explained from the lack of unconditional love
What are the strengths of the humanistic approach?
Rejects attempts to break down behaviour and advocates for looking at the whole person (holism) - makes it more valid
Positive approach - has been praised for being more person-centred
What are the weaknesses to the humanistic approach?
Limited application - little real world-application, has limited impact
Untestable concepts - short on empirical evidence
Cultural bias - more appropriate in an individualistic society (like seen in the Western world) rather than collectivist (like seen in Asian communities who often take into account the impressions and feelings of others around them and let them influence their actions)