
    Cards (6)

    • What is reliability?
      The consistency of research.
    • What is internal reliability?
      The extent to which something is consistent within itself.
    • What is external reliability?
      The extent to which a test produces consistent results over several occasions.
    • What is assessing inter-rater reliability?
      Where two or more psychologists produce consistent results by using a standardised procedure, agreed coding system, or correlation of their data. If there is agreement between the psychologists, then the data has good internal reliability.
    • What is assessing test-retest reliability?
      Involves testing and retesting the same participants over time with the same test and comparing their scores. If their scores are the same the test has good external reliability.
    • What is assessing split-half reliability?
      Involves splitting participants' test answers in half and seeing whether they get the same/similar scores on the two halves. If so, they have good internal reliability.