Based on the theory that OCD is caused by too little serotonin.
SNRI's block the transporter mechanism that re-absorbs serotonin into the pre-synaptic cell after it has fired, they also have the same effect on noradrenaline (another neurotransmitter).
More of this neurotransmitter is left in the synapse, prolonging their activity.
Less popular because they have more unpleasant side effects.
Drug Therapy:
Anti-anxiety drugs: Benzodiazepines (BZ's).
BZ's are commonly used to treat anxiety disorders (eg, OCD, panic disorder, PTSD, phobias, general anxiety etc).
BZ's slow down the activity of the central nervous system by enhancing the activity of the neurotransmitter GABA.
GABA= the body's natural anxiety reducer, which has a 'quietening effect' on the nervous system.
Drug Therapy Evaluation- Strength:
Shown effectiveness; there's considerable evidence for the effectiveness of drug treatments.
Soomro et al (2008) reviewed 17 studies of the use of SSRI's with OCD patients and found them to be more effective than placebos in reducing symptoms of OCD up to 3 months after treatment.
Drug Therapy Evaluation- Weakness:
One of the issues regarding evaluation of treatment is that most studies are only 3-4 months duration.
Koran et al (2007).
Therefore, little long-term data exists.
Drug Therapy Evaluation- Strength:
Drug therapies= most popular form of treatments in both patients & practitioners.
Requires little effort from user & little input in terms of time (when compared to talking therapies like CBT).
This means that patients are more likely to stick to a treatment plan & increases the chances of achieving wellness.
From the view of health services, they are cheaper compared to psychological therapies & require little monitoring- means the service can afford to treat more patients and have a greater impact.