
Cards (50)

  • Pope John XXII declares witchcraft a heresy 

  • Large scale witch-hunts in the Alpine region
  • Pope Innocent VIII declares witchcraft an exceptional crime

  • First publication of Kramer's Malleus Maleficarum
  • Martin Luther's 95 theses (origin of the Reformation)

  • Large Scale witch - hunts across Europe
    1560 - 1660
  • Sceptical Voices
    Minority of contemporaries challenged the prevailing view of the danger posed by witches. Individuals like Johann Weyer and Reginald Scott denounced the preoccupation with witch-hunting with rational arguments. Were in the minority and is risked heresy charges.
  • The Great Witch Hunt (summery) 1560-1660
    One hundred year period that saw the most intense outbreaks of Witch persecutions. Large scale persecutions were evident between 1562 - 1630 in South and South Western Germany. Intense witch hunts in Scotland from 159--97 under James VI. Large hunts in Lorraine in the 1580s and 1590s.
  • Course of witch - hunting 1480-1560 (limited impact)(summery)
    Sporadic Witch-hunting in France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Switzerland and the Netherlands. 1480-1520 were the most intense in this early period, with a Dominican source saying 100 people a year killed in the Como region alone. Settled period from 1520 - 1560 perhaps due to the threat of Protestantism and Heresy. Limited witch-hunts still in the Swiss Cantons,the Netherlands and Denmark.
  • Significant variations in the intensity of the hunts (summery):
    • some areas closest to witch hunts were unaffected or saw little action
    • small Catholic states within the Holy Roman Empire saw the most trials and executions in relation to population
    • numerous Catholic areas which weren't affected by witch hunts - Ireland
    • witch hunting ceased in some areas like Spain and the Netherlands by 1600
  • End of the Witch Hunts (summery)
    Declined in Western and Central Europe after 1660. Emerged in North America and Poland
  • How many people are believed to have been executed for witchcraft?
    approximately 100, 000
  • How many are believed to have been murdered in German territories?
    25 000
  • Where did other witches die (if not executed)?
    through the torture or conditions in the gaols they were kept in
  • Black Magic
    Harmful magic that deals with the occult
  • White Magic
    magic that dealt with good deads such as crops growing. Known as Cunning Folk
  • What did the early church react to the idea of witch craft and how did this change?

    They believed it was Pagan superstition b it changed due to the notion of a devils pact and Heresy
  • Heresy
    Belief contrary to authorised teachings i.e. going against the Catholic Church
  • What groups were treated as heretics?
    Cathars, Waldensians and Lollards
  • When was witch craft declared a heresy by Pope John XII?

  • Inquisition
    tribunal set up in the 13th century by to preserve Catholic supremacy
  • Before the 15th century, witchcraft was dealt with in church courts, and was rarely seen as a true crime. Rarely executed. But in the early 15th century, satan worship and the devil pact was introduced into the idea of Witchcraft
  • In 1569 how many witches did one author claim were in Europe?
    26 billion
  • What was believed to be indulged in the sabbat?

    Sacrificing children, orgies, sex with the devil, feasts, dancing naked
  • incubi
    male demon
  • succubi
    female demon
  • Being possessed by a demon was less serious than witchcraft as it was seen as involuntary
  • In 1484, what did Pope Innocent VIII say about witchcraft and what did it cause?

    it was an exceptional crime, which meant unlimited torture was allowed
  • How were the new attitudes in the church spread to the wider population?
    Literature - printing press
  • What was the influential book published in 1486 called?

    Malleus Maleficarum
  • Who wrote the Malleus Maleficarum?
    Mainly Heinrich Chramer
  • What gender prejudices were in the Malleus Maleficarum? 

    Women more likely to be witches
  • What was the third book in the Malleus Maleficarum about?

    how to prosecute witches
  • Why is it difficult to assess the impact of the Malleus?

    Hard for it to be the only reason for an increase as there were other factors
  • Whose attitudes did the Malleus Maleficarum mostly affect?

    Those who already believed in witches
  • Who wrote 'On the Demon Mania of Witches' in 1580?

    Sean Bodin
  • Who was Nicholas Remy and what did he write in 1595?

    Judge from Lorraine and he wrote 'Demonolatreiae'
  • What was the most popular book on witchcraft in the 17th century and who created it?
    Six Book of Discussions on Magic by Martin Del Rio
  • Maleficium
    harm committed by magic, and the charge originated from below e.g. communities blaming neighbours
  • Diabolism
    Devil worship and the charge came from the elite