Media Influence on aggression AO3

Cards (24)

  • What is a strength of the idea that media influences aggression?

    There is research support for it
  • What did Bushman and Huesmann (2006) conduct a meta-analysis on?

    431 studies involving the impact of violent media
  • What types of media were included in Bushman and Huesmann's study?

    Violent TV, video games, music, and comic books
  • What was the overall finding of the meta-analysis regarding media violence?

    Those exposed to media violence were more likely to show aggressive behaviors
  • How did the short-term effects of violent media differ between adults and children?

    The short-term effects were greater for adults than children
  • How did the long-term effects of violent media differ between adults and children?

    The long-term effects were greater for children than for adults
  • Why is the study by Bushman and Huesmann significant?

    It supports the idea of a relationship between violent media and aggression
  • What conclusion can be drawn about the reliability of the study by Bushman and Huesmann?

    It is considered reliable
  • What is a weakness of the research supporting the idea that media influences aggression?

    It fails to consider other causal variables.
  • Who conducted a meta-analysis on the effects of computer game violence?

    Ferguson et al. (2009)
  • What did Ferguson et al. (2009) claim about research on computer game violence?

    It has failed to control for other variables known to influence aggressive behaviour.
  • What happens to the effects of violent media content on aggressive behaviour when other potential influences are considered?

    The effects disappear.
  • What are some other potential influences that can affect aggressive behaviour according to Ferguson et al.?

    Trait aggression, family violence, and mental health.
  • Why is it important to account for other variables in studies of aggression and media violence?

    It explains why some people display aggressive behaviour and choose to play violent computer games.
  • What is the implication of failing to establish cause and effect between violent media and aggression?

    It affects the validity of the argument.
  • What is a weakness of the research supporting the idea that media influences aggression?
    Studies mainly use lab experiments which cannot measure 'real life' aggression.
  • Who conducted a lab experiment related to violent video games and aggression?
    Anderson and Dill
  • What did Anderson and Dill find in their lab experiment?

    Participants blasted opponents with white noise for longer and rated themselves higher on a hostility scale after playing violent video games.
  • Why is the use of self-report methods in aggression studies problematic?

    They may have no connection to real-life aggression.
  • What types of aggressive behavior are mentioned as not being related to actual aggression?
    Administering noise blasts and hot chili sauce to another participant.
  • What is the conclusion about the studies mentioned in the material?

    Studies lack external validity.
  • What advantage do longitudinal studies have over lab experiments?

    They can observe real-life patterns of behavior and document both short-term and long-term effects.
  • What is a potential problem for participants in longitudinal studies regarding media violence?

    Participants may be exposed to other forms of media violence during the study.
  • What uncertainty arises from participants being exposed to other forms of media violence in longitudinal studies?

    The effect from violent video game exposure alone is uncertain.