13.9 Anatomical Organization of the Nervous System

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  • The functions of NS depend on interactions between neurons in neuronal pools. Most complex neural processing occurs in CNS.
  • In the PNS
    • Cell bodies of sensory neurons and visceral motor neurons are found in ganglia 
    • Axons bundled together in nerves, with spinal nerves connected to spinal cord, cranial nerves connected to brain
  • In the CNS
    • Collection of neuron cell bodies with common function is called a center 
    • Center with distinct anatomical boundary is nucleus 
    • Layer of gray matter is neural cortex covers portions of brain surface 
    • Term higher center refers to most complex integration centers, nuclei, brain cortical areas 
  • Describe following anatomical structures within the central nervous system: center, tract, pathway.
    A center is a collection of neuron cell bodies with a common function. Bundles of axons in the CNS that share common origins, destinations, and functions are called tracts. The centers and tracts that link the brain with the rest of the body are called pathways.