13 Review

Cards (26)

  • Match. Afferent division
    sensory info
  • Match. Effector
    skeletal muscle cells
  • Match. Astrocyte
    blood brain barrier
  • Match. Oligodendrocyte
  • Match. Axon hillock
    connects initial segment to cell body
  • Match. Collaterals
    side branches of axons
  • Match. Bipolar neurons
    one dendrite
  • Match. Proprioceptors
    monitor position/movement of joints
  • Match. Reverberation
    positive feedback
  • Match. Ganglia
    neuron cell bodies in PNS
  • Which of the following is not a function of the neuroglia?
    information processing
  • Neuroglia found surrounding the cell bodies of peripheral neurons are…
    satellite cells
  • The most important function of the cell body of a neuron is to…
    house organelles that produce energy and synthesize organic molecules
  • Fill in the blanks.
    1. Line with dot in between → ? 
    2. Dot with several lines around → ?
    3. Dot at the end of a line → ?
    4. Line with dot on the side → ?
    Bipolar Neuron, Anaxonic Neuron, Multipolar Neuron, Pseudounipolar Neuron
  • Axons terminate in a series of fine extensions known as…
  • Which of the following activities or sensations are not monitored by interoceptors?
    visual activities
  • Patterns of interactions between neurons include which of the following? 
     all of the above (divergence, parallel processing, reverberation)
  • Which neuronal tissue cell type is likely to be malfunctioning if the blood brain barrier is no longer adequately protecting the brain?
  • Developmental problems in growth and interconnections of neurons in brain reflect problems with the…
  • What purpose do collaterals serve in the nervous system?
    collaterals enable a single neuron to communicate with several other cells at the same time
  • How does exteroceptor activity differ from interoceptor activity?
    Exteroceptors provide information about the external environment in the form of touch, temperature, pressure, sight, smell, hearing, and taste. Interoceptors monitor the digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, urinary, and reproductive systems and provide sensations of taste, deep pressure, and pain.
  • What is the purpose of the blood brain barrier?
    The blood brain barrier is needed to isolate nervous tissue from the general circulation because hormones or other chemicals normally present in the blood could have disruptive effects on neuron function.
  • Differentiate between CNS and PNS functions.
    The CNS is responsible for integrating, processing, and coordinating sensory data and motor commands. It is also the seat of higher functions, such as intelligence, memory, learning, and emotion. The PNS provides sensory information to the CNS and carries motor commands to peripheral tissues and systems.
  • Distinguish between the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system.
    The somatic nervous system controls skeletal muscle contractions, which may be voluntary or involuntary. The autonomic nervous system regulates smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glandular activity, usually outside our conscious awareness or control.
  • Why is an electrical (nonvesicular) synapse more efficient than a chemical (vesicular) synapse? Why is it less versatile?
    An electrical (nonvesicular) synapse is a more efficient carrier of impulses than is a chemical (vesicular) synapse because the two cells are linked by gap junctions and function as if they shared a common plasma membrane. However, chemical synapses are more versatile simultaneously. The plasma membrane at an electrical synapse simply passes the signal from one cell to another, whereas a chemical synapse integrates information arriving across multiple synapses.
  • Differentiate between serial and parallel processing.
    In serial processing, information may be relayed in a stepwise sequence from one neuron to another or from one neuronal pool to the next. Parallel processing occurs when several neurons or neuronal pools are processing the same information at one time.