dynamic equlibrium is whne inputs and outputs are balanced
postive feedback:
system experiments further change , disruption to equilibrium
system models show us how components are linked through flows. they exist in a certain boundary , involve energy and/or matter flowing between components
negative feedback:
stabilises system , allows it to maintain dynamic equilibruim
3 types of systems:
isolated system
closed system
open system
isolated systems are rare , no inputs or outputs
closed systems have inputs and outputs of energy but not matter e.g water or carbon cycle
open systems have inputs and outputs of both energy and matter
coastal systems are open systems
exam q : outline the sources of energy at the coast (4 marks)
fetch - farther wave travels , more powerful it will be due to buildup of energy
longshore currents - strong movements of surface water that approach at an angle to shore , transport sediment , good source of energy