littoral zone and landscapes

Cards (9)

  • landform is a feature created by natural processes
  • landscape includes all visible features in an area
  • landforms in an area created by combo of weathering , erosion , transportation and deposition
  • impact of landform prices depends upon factors such as climate and geology
  • littoral zone is sub-zones to represent features of wider coastline from sea to land
  • 4 zones of littoral zone:
    • backshore
    • offshore
    • foreshore
    • nearshore
  • littoral zone inputs and outputs:
    inputs: action of waves , currents and wind
    output: washed out into sea by deposition
  • littoral drift is the process in which material is shifted laterally along the coastline at an oblique angle
  • global conveyor belt - hows Earth's rotation affects direction in which wind travels across the earth