Labor & Delivery

Cards (30)

  • Labor
    the process by which a fetus and placenta leave the uterus, this can be either by vaginal delivery or Cesarean section
  • Labor
    continuous progressive contractions that help to open the cervix by dilation and effacement and passage of the fetus and placenta through birth canal
  • Normal delivery
    • is the birth of 1 baby after a pregnancy of 270-290 days
    • the birth takes between 3-18 hours
    • Water breaks during 1st stage of labor
    • Blood loss in normal delivery is <500 ml
  • Stages of labor
    • 1st stage: onset of regular contraction to full dilatation (10 cm)
    • 2nd stage: full dilatation to delivery of the fetus
    • 3rd stage: delivery of fetus to delivery of the placenta
    • 4th stage: 1 hour after delivery of placenta or recovery of mother
  • Labor contractions
    the periodic lightening and relaxing of the uterine muscle
  • Uterine muscle
    the largest muscle in a woman's body
  • Contractions
    often described as a cramping or lightening sensation that starts in the back and moves around to the front in a wave-like manner, the abdomen becomes hard to the touch
  • During labor the nurse assess the following:
    • Vital signs - every 4 hours (if membranes have ruptured for many hours before labor onset or if there is a borderline Temperature elevation, the temp. is checked hourly)
    • contraction pattern (intensity, frequency, interval, duration)
    • intactness of membrane through vaginal exam, and fetal well-being through fetal heart rate, characteristics of amniotic fluid, and contractions.
  • Sign of placental separation:

    • Lengthening of umbilical cord
    • Sudden gush of vaginal blood
    • Change in the shape of uterus (globular)
    • Firm uterine contractions
    • Appearance of placenta in vaginal opening
  • Amniotomy
    artificial rupture of the membranes
  • Reasons to monitor the baby's heart rate can include:
    1. If there are health concerns for the monitor during late pregnancy
    • Bleeding
    • high blood pressure
    • premature labor
    • diabetes
    1. If there are health concerns for the baby
    • small for dates
    • abnormality of the baby
    • pregnancy is overdue
  • Cardiotocography is used to monitor different measures:

    • Uterine contraction
    • Four fetal heart rate features
    • Baseline heart rate
    • Variability
    • Acceleration
    • Deceleration
  • Uterine contractions
    they are quantifies as the number of contractions in a 10 minute period and averaged over 30 min.
    • Normal: < 5 contractions in 10 min.
    • Abnormal: > 5 contractions in 10 min (tachysystole)
  • Baseline heart rate
    • Normal: 120-160 bpm
    • Abnormal: <100 bpm or >180 bpm
  • Variability
    Fluctuations in the fetal heart rate
    • Normal: 6-25 bpm
    • Abnormal: >25bpm
  • Accelerations
    • increases in fetal heart rate from the baseline by at least 15 beats per minute, lasting for at least 15 seconds and should be 2 accelerations every 20 minutes lasting no longer than 2 minutes
    • usually in response to fetal movement or contractions
  • Decelerations
    decreases in fetal heart rate from the baseline by at least 15 bpm, lasting for at least 15 seconds
  • Cardinal movements
    • Engagement
    • Descents
    • Flexion
    • Internal rotation
    • Extension
    • Restitution/External rotation
    • Expulsion
  • A perineal wash before delivery involves cleaning the perineum with a mild antiseptic solution. The purpose of this wash is to reduce the risk of infections and promote a hygienic environment for delivery.
  • Methergine ( Methylergonovine)

    Decreases the amount of breast milk, and serum prolactin. Side effects: increases BP, fast irregular heart beat, allergies.
  • How many units of oxytocin are administered?
    10 units
  • Crowning
    suress sign of delivery
  • Normal color of amniotic fluid
    cloudy because of the vernix caseosa
  • Main objectives of perineal care
    1. Reduce infection risk
    2. Prepare for delivery
    3. Promote hygiene
    4. Support wound healing
    5. Facilitate a smooth delivery
  • Materials needed for perineal care:
    1. Antiseptic solution
    2. Sterile gloves
    3. Sterile gauze or sponges
    4. Pick-up forceps
    5. Sterile water or saline
    6. Kelly pad
    7. Clean, disposable container
  • Cardiotocography
    a technical means of recording the fetal heartbeat and the uterine contractions during pregnancy, typically in the 3rd trimester.
  • Cardiotocograph or Electronic featl monitor
    the machine used to perform the monitoring
  • Tocodynamometer
    a pressure-sensitive devise that is placed on the mother's abdomen over the area of strongest contractions to measure the length, frequency,a nd strength of uterine contraction.
  • Tocodynamometer
    a device for monitoring and recording uterine contractions before and during labor
  • Transducer
    is placed over the fundus area of the uterus using a belt
    • Pink - contraction
    • Blue - fetus