Cultural Variations - Ijzendoorn

    Cards (10)

    • Culture - rules, social norms and expectations within a society
    • Collectivist cultures
      Focused on groups, shared home and child care, value interdependence, and work as a collective
      (Israel and Japan are more collectivist)
    • Individualist cultures
      Value independence, individual achievements, Autonomy (More western countries)
    • Ijzendoorn and Krooneberg (1988) - Aim
      To find out if inter-cultural and intra-cultural differences do exist
    • Ijzendoorn and Krooneberg (1988) - Procedure
      Meta-analysis of the findings of 32 studies of attachment behaviour in 8 countries
      Examined over 2000 strange situation classifications of attachment
    • Ijzendoorn and Krooneberg (1988) - Findings
      Secure attachment was the common classification in every country
      Insecure avoidant was the next most common, except japan and Israel
      Supports the notion that secure attachment is ‘best’ for healthy social and emotional development
      These cultural similarities also support the view attachment could be innate and biological
    • Limitation - Ethnocentricity
      The behavioural categories of the infants all over the world are classified due to the western, American norms and values
    • Limitation - findings were distorted
      As the majority of the studies (18/32) were carried out in America, the overall findings would have been distorted
    • Strength - Comparison is aided by the standardised methodology
      The use of the strange situation as a procedure means that a comparison can be made across cultures, and reliability is therefore high
    • Strength - large samples
      Increased internal validity as it reduces the impact of anomalous results caused by bad methodology or abnormal variables
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