L2 Lab experiments

    Cards (12)

    • What is one major strength of a lab-based experiment?

      Control over variables
    • Why is it important to control extraneous variables in a lab experiment?

      To ensure that only the independent variable affects the dependent variable
    • What does it mean to establish cause and effect in an experiment?

      It means that the independent variable is the only factor affecting the dependent variable
    • What does replicable mean in the context of lab experiments?

      It means the experiment can be repeated exactly with other participants
    • What can we conclude if we get similar results from repeated lab experiments?

      Our results are reliable and confirm validity
    • What is a major weakness of lab-based experiments?

      They are artificial and lack ecological validity
    • What are the strengths and weaknesses of lab-based experiments?

      • Highly controlled, allowing for cause and effect assumptions
      • Replicable, ensuring reliability

      • Artificial, lacking ecological validity
      • May cause demand characteristics
    • What are demand characteristics in lab experiments?

      When participants guess the experiment's purpose and change their behavior
    • Can extraneous variables be controlled in a lab experiment?

    • Can cause and effect be established in a lab experiment?

    • Is a lab experiment similar to everyday life?

      No, it is not
    • Who manipulates the independent variable (IV) in a lab experiment?

      The experimenter