
Cards (48)

  • located in an island nation in the central pacific ocean , straddles the equator
  • country consists of 32 atolls
  • poorest country in the world (134/189) globally
  • kiribati is a highly religious place , many don't understand science behind climate change
  • the climate is hot , tropical , humid , marine
  • life expectancy :
    • men: 59
    • women : 63
  • HDI score is 0.63
  • economy :
    • poor
    • few natural resources
    • most work in farming - e.g seawood , fish , copra
  • GNI per capita : $2,010
  • kiribat is an archipelago (group of islands)
  • it is north-east of Australia and New Zealand
  • population : 128,000 live there
  • capital city is Tarawa
  • more than half of the islands population live in Tarawa
  • president of kiribati - Atone Tong
  • threats to Kiribati:
    • sea level rise
    • coastal erosion
    • salt water from sea
    • climate change
    • floods
  • kiribati is at risk from diseases such as malaria and the zika virus
  • secondary impacts of sea level rise:
    • no harvests
    • negative multiplier effect
    • food more scarce
  • short term adaptions:
    • sea walls
    • rock armour
    • mangrooves
    • sandbags
    • oil barrels
  • eustatic sea level change on the rise
  • community based organising has planted 37,000 mangroves along the shore
  • mangroves are halophyte plants , thick roots and branches help break waves and dissipate their energy before it reaches shore
  • cons of mangroves:
    • takes long time to implement
    • takes years to grow
  • long term adaptations:
    • agricultural research - researching crop fertility and developing and identifying crops that grow in salt water
  • halophytes - plants that are tolerant to salt water
  • planting mangroves is apart of the Kiribati adaption program
  • 'farming for the future project:
    • educate farmers on growing salt tolerant and drought resistant crops
    • increases crop fertility
    • Kiribati will have less dependence on imported food
  • Atone Tong purchased land from Fiji for agricultural and fish farming to guarantee nations food secruity
  • Tong purchased 20km squared from Fiji
  • Fiji may be a spot for relocation in the future
  • Fiji is 2000 miles away, people will need transport to farm or relocate there , many won't be able to afford that due to low GNI
  • 56% of the island is catholic
  • people in Kiribati believe God gave them the land and that it will not be taken from them
  • pros of farming for the future project:
    • better food security
    • make it easier to grow and harvest crops as rising sea levels can infiltrate crops and make them too saline for cultivation
  • how much have sea levels risen by per year 1993?
    2.8 - 3.6 mm a year
  • why do sea levels fluctuate every year?
    due to El Nino
  • impacts of King tides
    they can wash over entire islands and contaminate water for days
    • high infant mortality rate : 43 per 1000
  • which 2 islands have been washed away due to coastal erosion?
    Abanuea and Tebua Tarawa
  • max temperatures have increased by what?
    0.58 degrees
  • which crop is highly sensitive to rainfall?